Welcome to Nunavut Parks

Nunavut, "our land", is defined by its people and places. It is an arctic territory that evokes images of vast space and endless skies, wide tundra plains, ice-capped mountains, lands and seas teeming with wildlife, and rich cultural traditions still practiced today.

Here, the idea of a park or a special place is different - it is linked more to utility and being on the land than beauty and aesthetics. Our parks and special places reflect that - they are prime hunting or fishing spots; they are good camping sites, perhaps used by families for generations; they are places of historical significance - where whispers of the past keep company with the ones who remain; and they are places that bring joy to their inhabitants. They are places filled with awe, meaning and attachment. They are places that say "katjaqnaaq" - I am content in this beautiful and special place. I have found peace, I am home.

We invite you to come north to share the beauty of Nunavut, to listen to the many voices of the land, and to gaze out over its magnificence and exclaim "Katjanaaq!"

Parks and Special Places

From the lush green valleys of Katannilik Park to the wild rapids of the Coppermine River, find out about Nunavut's territorial parks, heritage Rivers and other special places.

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Visitor Information

Get the information you need to plan and prepare for your trip, keeping safe, registration and permit requirements and important notices.

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Park Planning

Learn about how Nunavut Parks & Special Places plans, manages and operates its parks and special places, and find out about new projects underway.

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Travel through the world of Nunavut parks through image, video and audio. Or, post your own picture of your trip to show others your north!

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Contact Us

Phone: 867-975-7700

Fax: 867-975-7747

Email: Parks@gov.nu.ca