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High Arctic

Tamaarvik Territorial Park

Pisuktinu Tunngavik Territorial Park

Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

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Qaummaarviit Territorial Park

Mallikjuaq Territorial Park

Soper Heritage River
High Arctic Kitikmeot Kivaliq Qikiqtaaluk

On The Land


Park Map

To the west of Iqaluit near Peterhead Inlet lies a one-quarter square kilometre island that holds a link to the ancient culture of the Thule people. The island is called "the place that shines" and is now Qaummaarviit Territorial Historic Park. The park is rich in archeological artifacts dating back to the Thule culture; which demonstrate the inventiveness and adaptability of this remarkable people. The rocky landscape of the island is broken up by patches of lush vegetation and the 11 semi-buried sod houses that give the visitor an idea of the living conditions on the island at the time of the Thule people.

The Qaummaarviit Park guidebook, available at the Unikkaarvik Visitor Centre, offers descriptions of the sites along the path and provides a brief history of the park. Interpretive signs along the path provide additional information. The park makes for a great day trip when visiting the Iqaluit area - camping on the island is prohibited.


Qaummaarviit is accessible by ski, dogsled or snowmobile in the winter months, and by boat during the open-water season. However, since the park is approximately 12 kilometres from Iqaluit, it is recommended that visitors take advantage of local outfitting services, many of which provide on-site interpretation and a snack. Arrangements can be made through the Unikkaarvik Visitors Centre.

More information about getting there...


If you're planning a trip to Qaummaarviit Territorial Park, start by contacting Nunavut Tourism staff at the Unikkaarvik Visitors Centre in Iqaluit or Nunavut Parks staff.



This is a comprehensive list of all activities available in and around Qaummaarviit Park. Please see here for further descriptions and details of these activities.

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