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Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park

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On The Land


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Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park is located about one kilometer (a 30 minute walk) from Iqaluit, Nunavut's capital. The picturesque scenery is accented by the Sylvia Grinnell River that separates the park in two as it meanders through the tundra. The river is a great spot to catch an arctic char and the falls make for a beautiful spot to picnic.

The park hosts archaeological sites dating back to the Thule as well as a variety of plants such as the woodsia fern, one of the rarest plants in the country. Several species of wildlife can be viewed including caribou during winter and spring and arctic fox as well as 40 species of birds have been spotted in the area.


As its name suggests, the park's most popular features are the gentle falls and crystal waters of the Sylvia Grinnell River, named for the granddaughter of one of the financiers of American explorer Charles Francis Hall. The lower part of the river - from the falls to nearby Koojesse Inlet - is part of the tidal system of the inlet and only navigable at high tide. During extremely high tides these gentle falls all but disappear, becoming an extensive series of rapids.


From the centre of Iqaluit, it's an easy 30-minute walk to the park. From the three-way stop by the gas station, proceed north to the Aeroplex Building, number 1084. Turn left and continue past the yield sign, until you see the sign for Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park. Turn right and follow the signs. This route will pass some interesting local attractions, including an area near a stream where a local dogteam is kept for the summer. A cab ride to the park is $5 per person, but there are no phones in the park, so make arrangements to be picked up later.

Facilities in the park include a parking area with comfort station, barbecue pits and a recently constructed viewing platform. There is no fee for either day use or camping. The Park Pavillion which overlooks the falls is available for rental. Contact the Nunavut Parks Office for information on this.


If you're planning a trip to Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park, start by contacting Nunavut Tourism staff at the Unikkaarvik Visitors Centre in Iqaluit or Nunavut Parks staff.



This is a comprehensive list of all activities available in and around Sylvia Grinnell Park. Please see here for further descriptions and details of these activities.

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