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Statistics & Publications

  • Alberta's Weekly Economic Highlights for the week ending February 1, 2008 - (2 pages)

    This week's highlights:

    • Alberta’s wage growth highest among the provinces ...
    • Alberta manufacturers anticipate little change in production this quarter ...
    • Housing affordability improvement expected in 2008 ...
    • Investment still going strong ...

  • Previous Issues

Highlights of the Alberta Economy - December 2007

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Find it! In Alberta Employment, Immigration & Industry's (AEII) Stats & Pubs section!

AEII's Stats & Pubs section offers a variety of publications, statistics, reports, and studies published by the department. The following categories include:

Alberta Construction Projects: Specific records of recent, current and planned capital projects.
Alberta Government Library (AGL): Information resources, range of library services and quick answers.
Alberta's Top Companies: List of the top 100 companies in Alberta by size, either by number of employees or by sales.
Business Development: Business and economic development "best practices", as well as listings of events, trade shows and expositions across the province.
Corporate Documents: Annual reports, business plans and strategy reports outlining the business of the department.
Cost Studies: KPMG cost competitiveness studies, Alberta Community Price Comparison and Access to Capital studies.
Directory of Directories: List of associations and groups with offices in Alberta; links are provided, when available, providing access to each website homepage and directory.
Economic Highlights: Alberta's current economic climate, highlighting standard indicators such as GDP and unemployment.
Economic Outlook: Reliable insight into economic trends and performance, provincially and globally.
Export & Trade: Analysis of Alberta's international exports by industry and region.
Tourism Research: Consumer surveys, economic impacts, geographic markets, industry sectors and operator surveys.
Tourism Statistics: Visitor numbers, tourism revenue, the accommodation sector as well as employment and highway vehicle count data; regional statistics and information on Alberta's Tourism Destination Regions (TDRs).
Updated: February 2008
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