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Evaluation of the
Community Futures Program
in Ontario

Executive Summary

Audit and Evaluation Branch

March 31, 2003

Summary Overview of Conclusions and Recommendations

This study involved a fairly long list of issues which were developed to ensure that consistency in coverage of evaluation issues could be ensured across all organizations administering the Community Futures (CF) program. In order to summarize the findings, conclusions and recommendations for these issues, even the Executive Summary is fairly long and detailed. This summary overview therefore presents the reader with a very brief summary overview of the conclusions and recommendations under the three issue categories outlined in the recently revised Treasury Board Secretariat Evaluation Policy, that is according to relevance, success, and cost-effectiveness.


The overall conclusion regarding relevance is that the program is relevant. There is a need for the CF program to provide community capacity building at the community level through Community Economic Development (CED) and strategic planning services, business development services to SMEs, entrepreneurs and individuals, as well as access to capital. These needs are best filled by the CFDCs because of their local knowledge and presence as well as their ability to provide services that address the range of aforementioned needs. Given the blend of services offered through the CF program and the low or lack of local presence of other governmental and non-governmental organizations in the areas covered by the program in Ontario, the program does not duplicate or overlap others. It does, however, complement a wide range of federal as well as some provincial initiatives.


Again, the overall conclusion regarding this issue category is that the program is successful. The program is becoming more visible through enhanced promotional activities. It is reaching youth, women, Aboriginal people, Francophones where there has been an identified need to reach these groups. Its geographic coverage is adequate. And, most importantly, the program is making a difference: it has resulted in new businesses being created, others being maintained or expanded; it had resulted in new jobs being created (over a period of less than three years, the jobs created as a result of the CF program in Ontario represent almost 1% of the total labour force in non-metropolitan regions of Ontario!) and in jobs being maintained. Those benefiting from the services of the Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDC) are well satisfied with these services. In addition, there were no significant negative impacts and effects identified. In summary, there does not appear to be much wrong with this program from the perspective of success.


Again, the overall conclusion is that this program is cost-effective. While there are areas of improvement, the program does not duplicate others. Its delivery, through a network of 57 CFDCs throughout Ontario, relies on hundreds of volunteers giving thousands of hours of their time to help this program be successful. This makes the program cost-effective. The program has undergone some growing pains as a result of its delivery structure, implementation of a performance measurement system, and other federal requirements, such as meeting the requirements of the Official Languages Act. However, it appears that Industry Canada / FedNor management, in collaboration with the CFDCs, has implemented solutions to many of these problems.

The key recommendations stemming from the evaluation are therefore to continue the program with its existing delivery structure and range of services through CFDCs and to ensure that it is appropriately resourced to do so. Other recommendations resulting from this evaluation are aimed at helping management improve in specific aspects of design and delivery and thus be more successful.

Evaluation of the Community Futures Program in Ontario — Final Report (PDF, 502KB, 142 pages)

Management Reponse to the Formative Evaluation of the Community Futures Program in Ontario (PDF, 125KB, 11 pages)

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