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Spending Smarter - Rent or Buy a Home Calculator

Rent or Buy a Home Calculator

Should you rent or buy a home and what are the long-term costs? On the one hand, you're tired of your landlord. On the other hand, buying a home likely means borrowing a lot of money. As well, when buying a home you must make a down payment, money that could otherwise be invested or put into savings. What should you do?

(Calculator | Tips | Definitions | Application Notes)

Calculator - Example - Definitions - Application Notes
Your Information
(Modify the values presented below according to your needs)
Funds available for real estate and/or investment: $
Disposable monthly income available for housing or investing: $
Estimate of the long-term inflation rate: %
Estimate of after-tax return on portfolio investments: %
Input related to the purchased residence:
Annual equivalent (APR) mortgage rate: %
Down payment: $
Months until maturity, amortization period (max 360): months
Monthly expenses for purchased residence: $
Expected (after-tax)return on real estate: %
Market value of the purchased residence: $
Input related to the rented residence:
Monthly rent: $
Monthly expenses associated with the rental: $
Your Result
Your Result
Total Wealth, Real Dollars
If savings are all reinvested
Years Buy House Rent House Difference
5 $ $ $
10 $ $ $
15 $ $ $
30 $ $ $
If savings are not reinvested
Years Buy House Rent House Difference
5 $ $ $
10 $ $ $
15 $ $ $
30 $ $ $

Important notice: This calculator assumes that if you rent, you will invest all the money you would have used as a down payment. In addition, the calculator assumes that the money saved from renting relative to owning a home would also be invested. Many (perhaps even most) people may be tempted to spend rather than invest the savings. For those with less than iron self discipline, buying a home could constitute a form of forced savings.

* We wish to thank York University Professor Moshe A. Milevsky, and researchers at the Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID)Centre, a non-profit corporation, housed at the Fields Institute in Toronto, for developing the content of this calculator.

Calculator  Example  Definitions Application Notes