Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

FAQ - Filing information returns electronically


  1. Why should I file my information return electronically?
  2. In 2007, can I use Internet filing to send my information return for other tax years?
  3. I don't want to use cookies. Can I still use Internet filing?
  4. How do I sign my electronic return?
  5. Can I take my documents and Web access code to a tax preparer to file my information return?
  6. I filed on electronic media last year and want to use internet file transfer this year. Can I use the same XML format?
  7. Is there a cost to file my return electronically?


  1. Why should I file my information return electronically?
    For Internet filing, these are the following benefits:
    • Confirmation within minutes
      You'll receive an electronic Submission number within minutes of sending your information return over the Internet.
    • Secure
      We use 128-bit secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption, which is the most secure form of encryption commonly available in North America today. We also have a number of other measures in place to ensure data security and confidentiality. This includes the use of firewalls and individualized Web Access Codes.
    • National
      You can file from anywhere in Canada.
    • Environmentally friendly
      Except where documents are requested in standard follow-up procedures, these are paper-free programs. You do not have to file a paper copy of your return.
    • Electronic amendments
      You can now file an amended return using the Internet. See Amending returns.
  2. In 2007, can I use Internet filing to send my information return for other tax years?
    Yes. You can file returns for the 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006 tax years; however, returns filed late may have a late-filing penalty assessed. If your business closes in 2007, you can file your 2007 return electronically in 2007.

  3. I don't want to use cookies. Can I still use Internet filing?
    No. A cookie is a packet of data containing information that identifies you, as it intermittently travels between your computer and us. If you don't accept the cookie, you won't be able to send your return to us over the Internet.

  4. How do I sign my electronic return?

    Two pieces of identification-your Business Number and your Web access code-make up your electronic authentication which is considered an official signature for the Internet filing of information returns.

  5. Can I take my documents and Web Access Code to a tax preparer to file my information return?
    Yes. Internet filing was designed with this possibility in mind. If you decide to have a tax preparer such as a service bureau, lawyer, or accountant file your information return, you will need to give them your Web Access Code.

  6. I filed on electronic media last year and want to use internet file transfer this year. Can I use the same XML format?
    If you have previously filed on electronic media (diskettes, CD, or DVD), this year you can Internet file the electronic-media-formatted return prepared using XML format.

  7. Is there a cost to file my return electronically?
    No. The only costs to you are the fees you may pay for commercial software, to adjust your in-house software, for your Internet service provider, or to your service bureau.