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Special Places: Eco-lessons from the National Parks in Atlantic Canada


Eco-lessons: Special Places
Eco-lessons: Special Places
© Parks Canada

Welcome to Special Places: Eco-lessons from the National Parks in Atlantic Canada. This interactive Atlantic Canada Science curriculum supplement is designed for:

  • Grades 4, 6, and 7 with direct links to units on Habitats (Grade 4), Diversity of Life (Grade 6) and Interactions within Ecosystems (Grade 7).
  • Grade 10 (Sustainability of Ecosystems)
  • Grade 11 (Biology: Life Sciences – Interactions among living things)

In addition, several of the lessons have cross-curriculum links to Language Arts and Social Studies.

Atlantic Canada is blessed with seven beautiful and very special national parks. In Nova Scotia, we have Kejimkujik and Cape Breton Highlands and in New Brunswick, Kouchibouguac and Fundy. Prince Edward Island National Park is a scenic coastal park located in the province of the same name. Newfoundland and Labrador boast Terra Nova and magnificent Gros Morne, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These special places have been called living laboratories that offer valuable lessons about our fragile environment.

Parks Canada uses these parks and their national importance as case studies to teach students in Atlantic Canada about biological diversity, endangered species, ecosystems, habitat protection and more.

Special Places will help students to:

  • develop a better understanding of the sciences and technologies as applied to and by national parks;
  • gain specific knowledge about national parks and how, through case studies, they are managed;
  • develop skills for scientific and technological inquiry, solving problems, communicating scientific ideas and results;
  • develop an appreciation for Canada’s nationally protected areas;
  • become better environmental citizens.

How this supplement came about

Special Places has been a collaborative project between the seven national parks in Atlantic Canada and the Parks Canada Atlantic Service Centre, assisted by curriculum resource developers (Gesner & Associates Environmental Learning) and educational reviewers, including teachers and curriculum specialists. Departments of Education in each Atlantic Province were consulted. The eco-lessons have been extensively pilot tested throughout Atlantic Canada and have been adapted based on the comments received.

This diverse team of reviewers has provided support and enthusiasm throughout the development of the supplement. Parks Canada is extremely pleased with their response to the Special Places curriculum supplement. Some of the critical and supportive comments that were shared during the evaluations include:

Parks Canada did a great job with these lessons! You are to be congratulated.

We really enjoyed doing this unit and are pleased with the results.

It was a lot of work but I felt great about it as we saw the products and enthusiasm of the students! Thanks!

Students really enjoyed learning about these parks. I’m very pleased. Great ideas – children enjoyed being creative and explaining adaptations of animals and plants!

Students also contributed their comments about the lessons:

Lots of fun and I would do it again.

I realized how easy it is to damage our ecosystems.

I like learning about the parks and what’s in them.

I realized how different people feel about problems.

What’s in the Special Places curriculum supplement?

This section includes:

  • five full lesson plans linked to the Atlantic Canada Science Curriculum for Grades 10 (2000) and 11 (2001);
  • six full lesson plans linked to the Atlantic Canada Science Curriculum for Grades 4 through 7 (2000).

Each lesson plan includes learning outcomes, materials, background information and detailed procedures. You will also find a map locating the national parks within Atlantic Canada, illustrated black line photocopy master information sheets on the national parks and their species, as well as an extensive teacher’s glossary. We encourage teachers to adapt the materials as necessary and there are extension activities suggested in many of the lessons. Each lesson is designed to work independently and teachers are free to select any number for classroom delivery.

These creative eco-lessons are designed to be teacher friendly and student centered. All of the hands-on activities combine research, discussion and group work. Internet references are provided for future exploration but the lessons are designed to be delivered without the need for advanced technology. You and your students can find general information about Parks Canada with links to specific national parks and colour photo galleries on our Web site:

NOTE: The lessons contained in this package are primarily meant for classroom use. Field trips and visits to the national parks are not necessary for their completion, although we encourage you to visit them if you are able to. Please feel free to contact the parks if you require more information for classroom study.

We hope you and your students enjoy these lessons on the special places that are the national parks in Atlantic Canada.


Last Updated: 2007-09-19 To the top
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