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Filing a Trade-Mark Application
(Form for applicant)

Preparing your Application

You should read the Guide to Trade-marks and the document Trade-mark Application Process prior to completing the form. As you complete the form, there are various links which provide additional information to assist you. Preparing and following through on a trade-mark application can be a complex task, particularly if a third party challenges your right to the mark. You may file on your own, but it is highly recommended that you hire a trade-mark agent. An experienced, competent trade-mark agent who is well-briefed will help you prepare applications properly and conduct adequate research. The use of an agent is strongly recommended, if you intend to register marks in other countries. We maintain a list of trade-mark agents for your assistance.

For questions related to CIPO's online forms please contact us.

An application must contain:

the name and address of the applicant
a drawing of the trade-mark, unless the trade-mark consists solely of a word or words
the wares(products) or services in association with which the trade-mark is proposed to be used, or has been used
either a statement indicating intention to use a certain trade-mark and how that use will occur or the date of first use of the trade-mark in Canada, whichever is applicable, and
the application fee

The filing date of an application for the registration of a trade-mark is the date on which the application setting out the information listed above is delivered to the Registrar. You may choose to have the acknowledgement notice sent by e-mail. However, all further correspondence pertaining to this application will be by regular mail and if a trade-mark agent submits the application for you, the Trade-marks Office will correspond only with the Agent. You may, however, change or revoke your agent at any time.

Username and password for Secure Server

The application form is located on a secure server on the Strategis site. You must create a username and password with Strategis and then log on to the form.


Payments may be made by credit card only. The prescribed application filing fee is

If submitted on-line - $250
In any other case - $300

System Requirements and Information

You should review our system requirements and information summary to ensure you have the required software.


For username, password or server error messages contact the Strategis Help Desk 1-800-328-6189 (Canada) or (613) 954-5031. Business hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(ET) E-mail:
For questions related to CIPO's online forms please contact us
To report a technical problem, please complete the Technical Problem Report form.


Last Modified: 2003-05-07
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