Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Forms and publications

The Registered Plans Directorate and other areas of the Canada Revenue Agency publish several types of publications to assist plan administrators as follows:

  • guides provide information on a topic and/or instructions for filling out forms;
  • information circulars generally provide information about administrative, enforcement, or procedural matters relating to income tax law, such as the requirements for registration of a deferred income plan;
  • interpretation bulletins give the CRA's technical interpretation and position on certain provisions contained in income tax law; and
  • forms are available for registration and reporting purposes, and can be accessed through our web site in PDF and Fillable Form formats. You can also Contact Us if you need paper copies.
  • glossary gives explanations in plain language of some terms used in the following forms: T510, Application for the Registration of a Pension Plan, T920, Application to Amend a Registered Pension Plan, T2011, Registered Pension Plan Change of Information Form, T2014, Priority Identification Form.

List of Tax guides and pamphlets


Information circulars

Interpretation bulletins

