Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

What's new

On this page, you will find links to information recently posted to this site. The links are presented according to plan type.

For documents from previous years, please visit the What's new archive.



Re-arrangement of office space at the Registered Plans Directorate

Registered Pension Plans (RPPs)

REMINDER - The Canada Revenue Agency will return any application for registration and request for approval of amendments to a registered pension plan received on or after September 30, 2007, if the new version of the prescribed form, either T510, Application to Register a Pension Plan or T920, Application to Amend a Registered Pension Plan is not correctly completed and attached to the appropriate documents that constitute a complete application. For more information, please refer to Re-engineering - Frequently Asked Questions - RPP Forms . For more information on what constitutes a complete application to register a pension plan or amend a registered pension plan, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions - Application to register or amend a registered pension plan.

Question 25 of the "Frequently Asked Questions" on RPPs (Designated plan waiver (no more accruals))

After September 30, 2007, our policy of returning an incomplete application to register a pension plan to the submitter will be expanded to include an incomplete application to amend a registered pension plan. Details on what constitutes a complete application to register or amend a registered pension plan can be obtained by referring to Frequently Asked Questions - Application to register or amend a registered pension plan.

The form T510, Application to Register a Pension Plan has been revised and is now available on the internet site in fillable format. After September 30, 2007, applications for pension plan registration using a previous version of the form will be returned to sender. For more information concerning this revised form please see Re-engineering - Frequently Asked Questions - RPP Forms .

The form T920, Application to Amend a Registered Pension Plan has been revised and is now available on the internet site in fillable format. After September 30, 2007, applications to amend a registered pension plan using a previous version of the form will be returned to the sender. For more information concerning this revised form please see Re-engineering - Frequently Asked Questions - RPP Forms .

New formT2011, Registered Pension Plan Change of Information Form has been created to assist pension plan administrators and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in identifying, processing and updating important contact and other information relating to registered pension plans. This form is used when the information provided does not constitute an amendment to the pension plan documentation. The T2011 is not a prescribed form and its use is not mandatory. However, its use will assist the CRA in updating and keeping your plan information current. For more information concerning this new form please see Re-engineering - Frequently Asked Questions - RPP Forms .

New form T2014, Registered Pension Plan Priority Identification Form has been created to assist pension plan administrators and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in identifying and processing important submissions relating to registered pension plans. The T2014 is not a prescribed form and its use is not mandatory. However, its use will assist the CRA in identifying and correctly assigning your submission quickly. For more information concerning this new form please see Re-engineering - Frequently Asked Questions - RPP Forms .

Registered Plans Directorate publishes its fourth Compliance Bulletin

2007 Budget - Questions and Answers (Question 16, T4RIF slip reporting - Annuitants turning 70 or 71 in 2007 or 71 in 2008)

Question 6 of the "Frequently Asked Questions on PSPA" - PSPA benefit exclusion under paragraph 8303(5)(f)

2007 Budget - Questions and Answers

Question 21 of the "Frequently Asked Questions" - Contributions for former employees of a predecessor employer

Section 11.1.3 of the Technical Manual is modified (Regulation 8503(4)(a)(iii) - Past Service Contributions) to specify that contributions in respect of post-1989 years are limited to the amount reasonably necessary to fund post-1989 benefits

Section 12.1.1 of the Technical Manual is modified (Regulation 8504(1)(a)(i) - Maximum for Connected Persons) to specify that the lesser of the defined benefit limit and 2% of earnings test must be done for every year of service

Money purchase limits, RRSP limits, YMPE, DPSP limits and Defined benefit limits

Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

Budget 2007 - Change to introduction to question 6 of the " Frequently Asked Questions " (Educational assistance payments)

Budget 2007 - Changes to questions 5 and 6 of the "Frequently Asked Questions" (Contributions and Educational assistance payments)

Registered Retirement Savings Plans/
Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRSPs/RRIFs)

Requirement to File Contract Listings on Magnetic Media

New withholding rates for lump-sum payments

Question 2 of the "Frequently Asked Questions" on RRSPs/RRIFs is modified (locked-in designation)

2007 Budget - Questions and Answers

Registered Investments (RIs)

List of Registered Investments as of December 31, 2006 is now available in the Canada Gazette.

Deferred Profit Sharing Plans, Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plans (DPSPs/SUBPs)

Registered Plans Directorate publishes IC77-1R5 Deferred Profit Sharing Plans