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Cut through the clutter.

Simple is good. A redesigned, streamlined interface gives you more of what you need and less of what you don't. The new look maximizes the area of the screen that displays the webpage.

Cut through the clutter
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you are using Internet Explorer 7

Do more by doing less.

Open multiple websites in one Internet Explorer window with tabbed browsing. See thumbnail images of all open tabs in a single view. Organize multiple tabs into a single tab group and save it as a favorite.

Do more by doing less
get Internet Explorer 7 now
upgrade to Internet Explorer 7
you are using Internet Explorer 7

Print it right the first time.

Internet Explorer 7 automatically shrinks text for improved printing, so all webpage content fits on your final printed page. Print options also include adjustable margins, customizable page layouts, removable headers and footers, and changeable print space.

Print it right the first time
get Internet Explorer 7 now
upgrade to Internet Explorer 7
you are using Internet Explorer 7

Get news delivered directly to you.

Tired of looking for the latest news and information on the web? Internet Explorer 7 can deliver the latest updates from your favorite sites to you. Subscribe to RSS feeds through Internet Explorer 7, and get instant access to personalized sports, news, and shopping feeds that keep you up to date on the latest information online.

Get news delivered directly to you
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Choose multiple search providers.

Search the Internet directly from the browser frame using your favorite search provider with the instant search box.

Choose multiple search providers
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upgrade to Internet Explorer 7
you are using Internet Explorer 7

Put safety first.

Robust new Internet Explorer 7 architecture and improved security features help protect you against malicious software, and help to keep your personal data safe from fraudulent websites and online phishing scams.

Put safety first
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upgrade to Internet Explorer 7
you are using Internet Explorer 7

Cut through the clutter.

Simple is good. A redesigned, streamlined interface gives you more of what you need and less of what you don't. The new look maximizes the area of the screen that displays the webpage.

Do more by doing less.

Open multiple websites in one Internet Explorer window with tabbed browsing. See thumbnail images of all open tabs in a single view. Organize multiple tabs into a single tab group and save it as a favorite.

Print it right the first time.

Internet Explorer 7 automatically shrinks text for improved printing, so all webpage content fits on your final printed page. Print options also include adjustable margins, customizable page layouts, removable headers and footers, and changeable print space.

Get news delivered directly to you.

Tired of looking for the latest news and information on the web? Internet Explorer 7 can deliver the latest updates from your favorite sites to you. Subscribe to RSS feeds through Internet Explorer 7, and get instant access to personalized sports, news, and shopping feeds that keep you up to date on the latest information online.

Choose multiple search providers.

Search the Internet directly from the browser frame using your favorite search provider with the instant search box.

Put safety first.

Robust new Internet Explorer 7 architecture and improved security features help protect you against malicious software, and help to keep your personal data safe from fraudulent websites and online phishing scams.

See the lighter side of Internet Explorer

Watch this entertaining video to see how Internet Explorer 7 made one user’s everyday tasks easier. (See this video for 300K or 100K connections.)

Get keyboard shortcuts

Check out or download our Quick Reference guide to learn keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer 7.

Explore the features

See the advances that have been made to ease of use, security, and the development platform in Internet Explorer 7.

Want to take a deep dive into the technology?

Download this technology overview paper to learn about the capabilities of Internet Explorer 7, including the platform advances, security, and privacy protection.

Learn about a new security feature added to Internet Explorer 7

Stay safer online with Extended Validation SSL certificate functionality.

Read the technology overview

Download this paper to learn about the capabilities of Internet Explorer 7, including the platform advances, security, and privacy protection.

Use the Readiness Toolkit to get your sites and tools ready

We have guidance, information, and tools to help ensure your sites, applications, and extensions are ready for Internet Explorer 7.

Help meet customers' needs with IEAK7

See how the Internet Explorer 7 Administration Kit (IEAK7) helps you find the most efficient way to tailor, deploy, and manage web-based solutions to meet your customers’ needs.

Find out more about Internet Explorer 7

Check out the Internet Explorer Information Index to learn about installation, the advanced security features, and more.

Connect at the IE Blog

Read posts from the Internet Explorer team, add your own comments, ask questions, and connect with other users like you.

Visit the TechNet Internet Explorer Center

Get the latest Internet Explorer information for IT professionals.

Visit the MSDN Internet Explorer Developer Center

Get the latest developer information for Internet Explorer 7.

Learn more about Internet Explorer 7

Check out the Internet Explorer Information Index to learn about installation, the advanced security features, and more.

Get your sites and tools ready with the Readiness Toolkit

We have guidance, information, and tools to help ensure your sites, applications, and extensions are ready for Internet Explorer 7.

Connect at the IE Blog

Read posts from the Internet Explorer team, add your own comments, ask questions, and connect with other users like you.

Read the technology overview

Download this paper to learn about the capabilities of Internet Explorer 7, including the platform advances, security, and privacy protection.

Visit the TechNet Internet Explorer Center

Get the latest Internet Explorer information for IT professionals.

Add-Ons for Internet Explorer

Do more with Internet Explorer

We've compiled an extensive list of add-ons to make your browsing with Internet Explorer more productive, fun, and safe.

More links

Windows Internet Explorer 7

Find help, get answers
Find help, get answers
See answers to common questions about Internet Explorer and get support.
Join the community
Join the community
Connect with others through Internet Explorer chats, blogs, webcasts, articles, and more.
Get the Quick Reference Guide
Get the Quick Reference Guide
View or download this guide to learn quick keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer 7.

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