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Audience and Market Development

The Audience and Market Development Program is a cross-disciplinary program; it provides travel grants to promote knowledge and appreciation of Canadian arts; to enhance the development of Canadian artists’careers nationally and internationally; and to provide ongoing access to professional Canadian artists and their works by both Canadian and foreign audiences.

Note: Please read the guidelines carefully.  This is a travel grants program with limited resources.  As a result, this program provides support for very specific projects as outlined in the guidelines.

Along with its grants program and special initiatives, the Audience and Market Development Office maintains updated on-line directories of presenters, agents, festivals as well as other material useful to touring artists.

On the Road
An on-line learning tool for presenters and touring artists in dance, music, theatre, young audience and spoken word.

Search our performing arts directories

  • Performing Arts Directories

    A searchable database for up-to-date information on presenters, festivals, media and government sources related to music, dance, theatre and young audiences in Canada.

Special Projects and Initiatives

  • Definitely Independent

    Definitely Independent represents a group of Canadian distributors promoting independent film, video, new media and audio artworks.

  • Canadian Directory of Dance on Tour

    The Canadian Directory of Dance on Tour profiles Canadian dance companies and artists for the information of international dance promoters.

Additional Information