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Government On-Line @ Industry Canada

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Service area description

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), a special operating agency associated with Industry Canada, is responsible for the administration and processing of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada. CIPO’s areas of activity include: patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit topographies. CIPO’s mission is to accelerate Canada’s economic development by fostering the exploitation of intellectual property, encouraging invention and innovation in Canada, and promoting Canada’s international intellectual property interests.

What’s available online for clients?

Information services:

Transactional services:

  • Applications;
  • Fee payments;
  • Renewal and maintenance of rights and other correspondences (such as assignments, amendments, and oppositions);
  • Renewing agent status check;
  • Managing agent accounts; and
  • Capacity to add agents to the agent list.

Clients and benefits of online service


  • Intellectual property agents;
  • Intellectual property offices, including the World Intellectual Property Office;
  • Academic and research communities;
  • Canadian businesses and the public;
  • Other federal and foreign government offices; and
  • Foreign investors.


  • Faster responses to information requests and quicker transaction turnaround times (e.g. electronic submissions can be done in 24 hours compared to 10 days by mail);

  • Cost savings (reduced fees are charged for online services to pass savings from the use of the online channel to clients); and

  • Simplified interactions (increased ability for clients to self-serve).

Our journey to success

As the administrator of the greater part of intellectual property in Canada, CIPO has made significant improvements to facilitate the protection of intellectual property online and to broaden the amount of information available online.

Some areas of improvement over the past five years include the following:


  • Fee incentives for online filing;
  • Increased level of encryption;
  • Improved credit card payment system; and
  • Addition of more features and forms.

Educational and awareness tools:

Online intellectual property databases:


  • Created the Newsroom page;
  • Enhanced online contact methods for feedback, technical problems and publications requests;
  • Conducted online consultations; and
  • Posted updates on CIPO's contribution to the intellectual property community.

Increased availability of information:

  • Reported quarterly to online subscribers through our electronic newsletter, News Updates;
  • Improved information architecture and made content more accessible;
  • Included legislated publications in official format; and
  • Conveyed information on legislation amendments clearly and succinctly.

Online recruitment system:

  • Implemented a secure login system and capability for applicants to update their personal information.

These improvements have increased the number of online transactions, decreased the number of calls to our Client Service Centre, educated and informed a wider audience, helped clients make better decisions, increased CIPO's visibility, and opened the door to better communication and service with our clients and stakeholders.

As Government On-Line comes to a close, we will continue to improve CIPO's presence online and provide excellent web communications.