Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Sections 6 and 7 of the Government Employees' Compensation Act (GECA)

Eligibility of Person Employed Outside Canada (s. 6 of the Act):

Injury compensation claims of federal employees appointed in Canada but assigned to work outside of the country are processed by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario. An employee covered under s. 6 of the Act who is injured at work or victim of a professional disease while posted abroad should notify his/her supervisor as soon as possible. The employing department or agency must complete an accident report and forward it to the Ontario Regional Injury Compensation Unit, Human Resources and Social Development Canada. 

The administration of the Act for a person employed outside Canada is the same as any employee of the federal public service.  For additional information, please refer to the main document title Government Employees Compensation Act or consult the brochures entitled "If you have an accident" and "Employer's Guide to the Government Employees' Compensation Act.  

Eligibility of Locally Engaged Employee Outside Canada (s. 7 of the Act):

The administration of s.7 of the Government Employees Compensation Act is provided by the Federal Workers’ Compensation Service (FWCS) of Human Resources and Social Development Canada, who is responsible for the adjudication and the payments of compensation benefits pursuant to the Act.  Injury compensation claims of locally engaged employees outside Canada must be submitted to the FWCS by the employing departments or agencies by using the Ontario workers’ compensation form.  For additional details, please consult the brochures entitled "If you have an accident" and "Employer's Guide to the Government Employees' Compensation Act


Federal Workers' Compensation Service
Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Phase II, Place du Portage, 10th floor
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J2

Tel.: (819) 953-8001
Fax: (819) 994-5368