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Canada Savings Bonds
Ottawa, November 2, 2007






Interest rates have been set for December 1, 2007 bond issues of the Canada Savings Bond (CSB) Series 109 and the Canada Premium Bond (CPB) Series 59, which are on sale from today until December 1, 2007, inclusive.

CSB Series 109 and CPB Series 59, with 10-year terms to maturity, will carry interest rates as follows:


Canada Savings Bond

Series 109

Canada Premium Bond

Series 59

Interest rates for year beginning

Annual interest rate

Annual rate of return if held to December 1 of the following year

Annual interest rate


Annual compound rate of return* if held to December 1 of the following year

Dec. 1, 2007





Dec. 1, 2008





Dec. 1, 2009






*Calculations based on a $1,000 compound interest bond.

Outstanding CSB Series 55 (December 1, 1998), CSB Series 61 (December 1, 1999), CSB Series 67 (December 1, 2000), CSB Series 73 (December 1, 2001), CSB Series 79 (December 1, 2002), CSB Series 85 (December 1, 2003), CSB Series 91 (December 1, 2004), CSB Series 97 (December 1, 2005), and CSB Series 103 (December 1, 2006) will carry the same rate as that announced for CSB Series 109 for the bond year December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2008.

Outstanding CPB Series 4 (December 1, 1998) will carry the same rate as that announced for CPB Series 59 for the bond year December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2008. Outstanding CPB Series 10 (December 1, 1999) will carry the same rates as those announced for CPB Series 59 for the bond years December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2009.  Outstanding CPB Series 22 (December 1, 2001), CPB Series 28 (December 1, 2002), and CPB Series 41 (December 1, 2004) will carry the same rates as those announced for CPB Series 59 for the bond years December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2010.

CSB Series 109 rates for the remaining nine years to maturity and CPB Series 59 rates for the remaining seven years to maturity will be announced at future dates.

The next series of the CSB and the CPB are expected to be available December 2, 2007.

As in the past, the Minister of Finance reserves the right to terminate sales at any time.