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Why join the Payroll Savings Program?
Why employers like the program
Why employees like the program
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Payroll Savings Calculator
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Why should your company offer the Payroll Savings Program?
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Helping your employees realize their goals and dreams begins with the Payroll Savings Program.
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Canada Savings Bonds
Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) allow purchasers to save conveniently and benefit from competitive returns. Purchasing CSBs through the Payroll Savings Program offers key benefits to you the employer, and your employees. CSBs are guaranteed by the Government of Canada and are available with an RRSP option.
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The choice of Canadians
For over 60 years Canadians have been choosing the Payroll Savings Program as their favourite way to save for a vacation, a car, a down payment on a house, or even retirement. Millions of Canadians own Canada Savings Bonds, and every year close to one million of us buy them through payroll deduction.
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The choice of Canadian organizations
Over 12,000 organizations recognize the Payroll Savings Program as a safe, flexible and competitive savings option. Many employers find the Payroll Savings Program a perfect complement to their current benefits package.
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A Canadian icon
Since the wartime Victory Bonds, millions of Canadians have relied on the Payroll Savings Program to help get them started with a disciplined savings plan. In fact, since 1946 Canadians have invested over $45 billion in Canada Savings Bonds purchased through payroll deductions. The Payroll Savings Program also offers the Government a stable source of funding.
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secure access to your bonds
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Offer this valuable benefit to your employees today!
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For more information please call 1 888 467-5999 (Mon to Fri, 8 am to 6 pm, ET)
Testimonials from participating organizations
Payroll Savings Program
- An Introduction

Updated:    2007 03 27
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