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Artists’ Representatives in the Performing Arts: One-time transition funding for music clients*

Deadline date

1 October 2007

Important Notice

* Special Note: These program guidelines and the 1 October 2007 deadline date are unique to music clients and will be used one time only in order to align eligible music clients with the other performing arts clients in this program. The funding period is from 1 October 2007 to 31 March 2009 (18 months). The next program deadline of 1 March 2009 will be open to all eligible performing arts agents, managers and artists’ representatives for annual or multi-year funding.

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Program Description

Grants to Agents, Managers and Grants to Agents, Managers and Artists’ Representatives in the Performing Arts provide support to individuals, organizations and (or) agencies that are dedicated to the career development of professional Canadian artists and the development of the performing arts sector in Canada. This program is designed to support ongoing activities that will develop the careers of professional Canadian performing artists within Canada and internationally.

Activities eligible for support include booking, performances, touring activity (on an international, national and regional basis), residencies and other related career development opportunities. Examples of eligible career development activities are commissioning, development financing, audience development initiatives, and marketing and promotion activities.

The program has one 18-month grant period. Eligible music applicants can apply to the 1 October 2007 deadline.

Eighteen-month grants support established agents, managers and artists’ representatives to sustain and (or) increase their capacity to support the development of public performances, tours, marketing initiatives and other career-related activities for their artists.

Applicants seeking assistance for a needs assessment, strategy development or plan development should consult the Audience and Market Development Office’s Flying Squad program.

All Canada Council for the Arts programs are accessible to Aboriginal arts organizations and arts organizations of diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

All applicants

Applicants must either:

  • be currently funded through the Music Section’s Career Development Program, Annual Grants to Managers and Agents component; or
  • have an established history with the Career Development program, as demonstrated by representing at least three artists who have received management grants in each of the two previous Career Development Program Project Grants to Artists competitions.

Applicants must also meet all of the following criteria. They must:

  • offer a range of services to professional, Canadian performing artists, such as consulting, administrative services, financial management, booking, coordinating tours, audience development initiatives, and national and international marketing;
  • carry out career development activities and strategies for professional, Canadian performing artists;
  • provide services to no fewer than three Canadian artists or ensembles;
  • have had total gross bookings for Canadian artists or ensembles exceeding $50,000 in the previous year (or averaging $50,000 per year over the previous three years, where applicable);
  • be registered or incorporated in Canada (individuals applying to this program may operate as sole proprietors);
  • have an appropriate administrative infrastructure, according to the scope and scale of their activities; and
  • have a proven track record of providing services to professional artists or ensembles.

Note: Both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are eligible for support.

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Grant Amount

Funds are limited, and grants will be awarded in a competitive context based on the criteria listed in these guidelines. The number of grants and their amounts will be recommended by a peer assessment committee for final approval by the Board of the Canada Council, within the budget available for this program.

  • The maximum contribution available from this program is $60,000 over the 18-month period. (Note: this figure is composed of $40,000 maximum for the first twelve months and $20,000 maximum for the next six months.)
  • The minimum grant that will be awarded is $15,000 over the 18-month period. (Note: this figure is composed of $10,000 maximum for the first twelve months and $5,000 maximum for the next six months.)

Eligible Expenses

Grant support can be used to cover the following types of costs:

  • the cost of carrying out career development activities and strategies for professional Canadian performing artists including a range of services such as consulting, administrative services, financial management, booking, coordinating tours and audience development initiatives;
  • office space and overhead;
  • national and international market development, such as pre-tour activity and presence at contact events, conferences, and trade and sales shows;
  • training and professional development for personnel;
  • salaries, to sustain professional growth of personnel and to retain personnel with experience and expertise in the field; and
  • new initiatives related to audience development, public access, and (or) development of alliances or networks of associations.

Retroactive funding is not available. Grant funds may be used to cover only those expenses that occur after 30 September 2007.

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Application Form

This application form consists of the documents below.

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Further Information

Kelly Langgard, Acting Coordinator
Audience and Market Development Office
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 5272 (Kelly Langgard)  or ext. 4118 (Koba Johnson, Program Assistant)

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: 613-565-5194

Fax: 613-566-4406

August, 2007