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DFO Evaluations Reports prepared by Audit and Evaluation Directorate

At the end of each evaluation, a final report is presented to the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Committee for their consideration and approval along with a management action plan which outlines any corrective actions that need to be taken as a result of the evaluation. The action plans are normally inserted into the final report.

Because evaluation, has as its objective to improve program relevance, success, and cost-effectiveness, individual reports will contain observations about these opportunities. Management's willingness to take action is demonstrated by the action plans associated with the reports and the public can therefore be assured that these opportunities are being exploited in a responsible manner in Fisheries and Oceans Canada.


  • Formative Evaluation of the Building Public Confidence in Pesticide Regulation and Improving Access to Pest Management Products Horizontal Initiative (BPC Initiative) (PDF)
  • Evaluation of the Program for Sustainable Aquaculture (HTML)
  • Formative Evaluation of Federal Species at Risk Programs (HTML)
  • Evaluation of the DFO 2001-2003 Sustainable Development Strategy - Project 2004-60254  (HTML)


  • Small Craft Harbours Divestiture Grants Program Evaluation and Audit (HTML)
  • Interim Evaluation of the Marshall Response Initiative (HTML) * UPDATED
  • Evaluation of Program Integrity I SAR Component (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Evaluation of Program Integrity I Conservation and Protection of Fisheries Resources (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Audit and Evaluation of the Contribution to the Pacific Salmon Foundation - April 2005 (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Audit and Evaluation of the Contribution to the Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee - May 2005 (HTML) | (PDF)

2004 - 2005

  • Pacific Salmon Selective Fishing Program Evaluation - Project Number 60278 - Final Report - February 2005 (HTML | PDF)
  • Audit and Evaluation of the Experimental Lakes Area - September 2004 (HTML)

2003 - 2004

  • Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Evaluation - Project Number 60263 - March 31, 2003 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Formative Evaluation of the Canadian Regulatory System for Biotechnology (CRSB) - Final Report - April 2003 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)

2002 - 2003

  • Evaluation of the Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring Program Licence Retirement Programs - Evaluation Report - May 2002 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)

2001 - 2002


2000 - 2001


1999 - 2000

  • Review of Pacific Salmon Vessel tie-up Program- December 1999 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)