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DFO Review Reports prepared by Audit and Evaluation Directorate

At the end of each review, a final report is presented to the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Committee for their consideration and approval along with a management action plan which outlines any corrective actions that need to be taken as a result of the review. The action plans are normally inserted into the final report.

Because program evaluation, internal audit and review all have as their prime objective, the identification of opportunities for improving management practices and program effectiveness, individual reports will contain observations about those opportunities. Management's willingness to take action is demonstrated by the action plans associated with the reports and the public can therefore be assured that these opportunities are being exploited in a responsible manner in Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

2004 - 2005

  • Employment Systems Review - Project 2003-65171 - Final Report - December 2004 (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Revenue Generation Consulting Report - Project #2003-65153 - December 2004 (HTML) | (PDF)

2003 - 2004

  • Review of the Communications Function in DFO - Project #60168 - Final Report - November 2003 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Regional Governance Process Review - Final Report - July 2003 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)

2002 - 2003

  • Youth Program Review - Final Report - May 2002 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Dockside Monitoring Program Review - Final Report - December 2002 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Evaluation of Staff Meetings and Effectiveness of Internal Communications of the National Workplace Improvement Plan (NWIP) - Final Report - January 2003 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)

2001 - 2002

  • Review of Career Development and Succession Planning - July 2001 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)

2000 - 2001

  • Year 2000 Review - Document Management and Application Testing - July 2000 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Employment System Review - October 2000 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Report on the Review of Short Range Marine Aids to Navigation - February 2001 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Review of the Management of Information Technology- April 2000 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Review of the Departmental Financial System, Data Reliability, Integrity and Accuracy - February 2001 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Report on the Review of The Financial Information Strategy Preliminary Review and Risk Assessment - February 2001 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)

1999 - 2000

  • Post-Implementation Review of PeopleSoft - January 2000 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)
  • Report of Profile of Audit, Evaluation and Review Units in the Federal Government in 1999- July 1999 - Full Report (HTML) | (PDF)