Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Aquaculture


Fish and seafood, wild and farmed, is the largest single food commodity exported by Canada.

National production figures

  • In 2005, wild harvest and aquaculture production totalled over C$2.9 billion.
  • Farmed fish and seafood production was valued at C$715 million in 2005, comprising approximately 25 percent of all Canadian fisheries and aquaculture.
  • Salmon is the predominant farmed species in Canada, producing 98,441 tonnes in 2005 and generating over C$543 million.
  • 95 percent of Canada’s farmed fish and seafood is exported to the United States.

Provincial breakdown of commercial aquaculture production:

  • British Columbia 48%
  • New Brunswick 24%
  • Prince Edward Island 12%
  • Nova Scotia 6%
  • Newfoundland and Labrador 5%
  • Ontario 3%
  • Quebec 1%
  • Prairie Provinces 1%

Aquaculture production and value in 2005 (in Canadian dollars)

Quantity: 154,993 tonnes, Value: $715,107,000

Total finfish: Quantity—115,800 tonnes, value—$639,641,000

Total shellfish: Quantity: 38,283 tonnes, value: $66,940,000

Top five farmed species by production and value in 2005

    Salmon (Atlantic, Coho, and Chinook)
    Quantity: 98,441 tonnes, Value: $543,634,000

    Quantity: 22,842 tonnes, Value: $33,168,000

    Trout(Rainbow, Brook, and others)
    Quantity: 4,723 tonnes, Value: $21,070,000

    Pacific Oysters
    Quantity: 12,584 tonnes, Value: $16,095,000

    Quantity: 1,788 tonnes, Value: $8,378,000


Last Updated : 2007-03-30

Important Notices