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Gino Grillo - 11/22/2007 [10:18]
San Diego, , California, USA

Just wanted to say, Thanks for Surviving.  Have a great Holiday

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Stephanie bergeron - 11/22/2007 [09:45]
walford, Ontario,, canada

Simple joys, little pleasures,
Laughter and smiles in big measures.
Friends, family togetherness, love...
The choicest blessings from above.
Peace, prosperity and happiness too...
All these and more are my wishes for you! Have a wonderfull christmas!  We all send lots of love

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Joe Blake - 11/22/2007 [09:31]
toronto, Ontario,, canada

How can I begin to say thank you for all you are doing overseas for us , We back home take for granted everyday the ease with which we live life.We go to work and come home  to our loved ones each day ,without risk of loosing our lives. On behalf of my family I want to thank you for risking your lives and doing a job that needs to be done .we live under the freedoms that you and generations of men and women fought and died for . nations owe you a debt of gratitude for keeping the peace in their countries that have known no peace .I want to wish you all a very Happy christmas come home safe we all are safer because of you and we will never forget.

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lina - 11/22/2007 [09:17]
Massey, Ontario,, Canada

My name is Lina, I'm 12 and i'm unsure why your in Afghanistan, the reason; but whatever it is, you're doing a great job, and i hope you like the Christmas cards we're sending you, I made one of them. I've got a question. Why did you sign up for the army? I've always wanted to know why. Hope you beleive your reason. Merry Christmas.

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jordan - 11/22/2007 [09:09]
massey ,ontario, Ontario,, canada

Hello, my name is Jordan I live in Massey. I really apreciate you fighting for human rights. I hope you have a wonderful christmas and come back soon. Jordan

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Jim Bowne - 11/22/2007 [02:05]
St. John's, NL, Newfoundland,, Canada

Message for Craig Fudge from Oromocto NB...Hey Craig I'm currently in Calgary on conference and just found out you are in Afganastan. Hope things are well with you. My thoughts are with you and your family.Keep your head up, do your job and come home safe.... cheers. see you next summer. Jim

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Marge - 11/22/2007 [01:41]
Orillia, Ontario,, Canada

To our men and women serving in the Canadian Armed Forces,

We just want you to know that we support your efforts, and we're so proud of you.

We know you are facing danger every minute of every day, we are praying for your safety, and when one of you falls, or is injured, we care. You are all like family to us, and when we lose one of you, we lose a family member.

Never think that we don't care, or that what you are doing doesn't matter. It does.

We hope and pray that this war will end soon, so you can all come home. 

We also pray for peace around the world, because while the middle east may be in the news a lot, we have Canadians serving elsewhere too, and we hope you can ALL come home safely.

We do miss you, and we look forward to the day when our Canadian family is reunited.

Every brother, every sister, every cousin. Every one.

Watch out for each other,
keep your heads down,
and come home soon,

With Christian love
Marge and family

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Warren McCann - 11/22/2007 [00:34]
Prince George, British Columbia,, Canada

Hi, You guys are doing an awesome job in a tough situation.  I remember watching a special on the CBC about the Taliban maybe 3 or 4 days before 911.  I thought, now there is a situation worth doing something about.  I am proud of the courage and determination you are all showing in riding Afghanistan and the world of the Taliban.  You are doing your country proud.  You are hero's all and you have the support of the people at home. Keep up the good work.
Warren McCann

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Diane Brown - 11/21/2007 [23:40]
Halifax, Nova Scotia,, Canada

Please know there are many of us here at home, praying for you everyday and wanting to let each and everyone of you know how proud we are.
Each morning at breakfast, my two children and I say a prayer for your day and to thank God for your character and your understanding of duty. You are teaching my children exactly what duty means, what believeing in freedom is. It is a powerful message you live everyday and without it, Canada would not be the respectable country it is meant to be. You are the respect, you are Canada. Thank you. We love you. What can we send you?

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Rob Bouliane - 11/21/2007 [23:35]
Windsor, Ontario,, Canada

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Thank you to all of you who give me freedom.  God bless you, come home safely

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marilyn - 11/21/2007 [22:54]
Roches Point, Ontario,, Canada

We proudly stand behind you, you are always in our hearts, our thoughts, our prayers.  May God watch over you and bring you safely home.

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Alexandre - 11/21/2007 [21:57]
Gatineau, Quebec,, Canada

Lâcher-pas, vous etes des héros!! Vous avez mon admiration ! Continuer de meme!

Don't quit, you are heroes!! You have my admiration ! Continue like that !

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Shirley Ruttan - 11/21/2007 [21:02]
Bracebridge, Ontario,, Canada

As a mother of a soldier I am very proud of the work that all of our soldiers have done and are doing be they here in Canada or wherever they are needed in the world.  It takes a special kind of person to dedicate oneself to service for ones country.  Your strength and courage are to be commended.
My uncles served in World War 2 and was present on the beaches of Normandy.  I don't think I fully understood his committment nor how my Grandmother must have felt when he enlisted until my own son declared his intention to become a soldier.
My thanks and prayers are with all of you and especially to those presently serving in Afghanistan.

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Margaret Ann MacPhail - 11/21/2007 [20:54]
Emsdale, Ontario,, Canada

Dear CF Member(s),With Christmas fast approaching our family has been thinking of all of you a lot.  We are so very grateful for all that you are doing for our Country Canada.  We can only imagine what you are going through.  Know that we are thinking of you each and every day and praying for every one of you safely returning home to your country and your loved ones.  We would like to thank you for your ongoing efforts in this terrible war to help on the path to Peace in Afghanistan.  Our heartfelt thanks and best wishes, The MacPhail Family

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maureen - 11/21/2007 [20:17]
red deer, Alberta,, canada

You are loved.  Come home.  Stay sane.

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Margaret Isaacs - 11/21/2007 [19:54]
Lawn, Newfoundland,, Can

Day 176:Hey troops, hello from the Rock,pretty wet in our end of the rock,but all is great.Hope everyone is ok and staying safe today.Great job,God bless.

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Lyn - 11/21/2007 [19:04]
Discovery Bay, ,, Hong Kong SAR

We are Canadians away from Canadian soil but remain so very proud of you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.  Stay strong.

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Judy - 11/21/2007 [18:47]
Richmond Hill, ,, Canada

To all the Amaricans there  Happy Thanksgiving!  Such as it is. Hopefully you will be home safe and sound with your families May God Bless you all

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Ryley Herzog - 11/21/2007 [17:48]
Winfield, British Columbia,, Canada

Thank you for everything that you are doing for us here back home.  Thank you to those fallen who gave their tomorrow so we could have our today. 
Looking forward to enlisting and serving with the finest group of people on this plant

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The Benders & The Delta Bible Study Group - 11/21/2007 [14:54]
N. Delta, British Columbia,, Canada

Hi Troups: We are praying for you all, and your family's back home. Let us know if you have any prayer needs. Ps.91:13 You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

In His Service
The Delta Bible Study Group

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Timothy - 11/21/2007 [14:41]
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec,, Canada

Thank you for fighting for our freedom. I pray for your safety every day.

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Kathleen Loney - 11/21/2007 [14:12]
Grimsby, Ontario,, Canada

To the bravest, the boldest, the stronghold of our country.. With all of my heart I have longed to be a member of the Canadian Forces for years, but unfortunately my health wouldn't pass the CF test. I pray everyday for you all out there, that you are persevering and remaining strong in all you do. What you strive for and what you achieve is so unbelievable, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for stepping up for those of us who are unable to. God Bless, and have a very merry Christmas.

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Dana Mason - 11/21/2007 [14:09]
Courtice, Ontario,, Canada

Finally I have found a way to express myself to you.  I did not know this website existed and am so happy I have found it.  This war has now hit real close to me now.  I have found out my brother will be joining you soon and realize now what the other families have been going through.  The worry but also the pride I feel right now.  My brother has done two tours in the Gulf and now finally going to Kandahar.  I hope all you soldiers over there know how much you are appreciated and respected back here at home.  I will pray and think of you everyday, 15 times a day until this is over.  Bless you and please take care of my brother.

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Tracy Curwood - 11/21/2007 [13:48]
Brampton, Ontario,, Canada

I'm sitting here on a cold rainy day in Brampton and am reading the DND website on the deployment in Afghanistan and am wishing you all a safe and early return to Canada.

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Annie - 11/21/2007 [13:01]
Ste-Catherine-De-jc, Québec,, canada

`Bonjour à tous ceux et celles qui sont présentement en déploiement. Un simple mot pour vous dire à quel point vos services sont appréciés. Vous faites un travail extraordinaire et sachez que mes pensées vous accompagnent tout au long de votre déploiement. Soyez prudents, prenez soin de vous tous!


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