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Marie - 11/21/2007 [12:49]
waterloo, Ontario,, canada

Hope you all arive home healthy and soon as we miss you

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Poulin - 11/21/2007 [12:23]
Boischatel, Québec,, Canada

Lâchez pas les gars, on croit en vous!!!  Fier de connaitre quelques militaires, vous êtes nos héros pour aider ce peuple!!!

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Kim - 11/21/2007 [11:45]
Penetangushene, Ontario,, Canada

I came across a poem which I thought I would like to share.  Thank you all for all you do for us! The Night Before Christmas
> T'was the night before Christmas,
> He lived all alone,
> In a one bedroom house,
> Made of plaster and stone.
> I had come down the chimney,
> With presents to give,
> And to see just who,
> In this home did live.
> I looked all about,
> A strange sight I did see,
> No tinsel, no presents,
> Not even a tree.
> No stocking by the mantle,
> Just boots filled with sand,
> On the wall hung pictures,
> Of far distant lands.
> With medals and badges,
> Awards of all kinds,
> A sober thought,
> Came through my mind.
> For this house was different,
> It was dark and dreary,
> I found the home of a soldier,
> Once I could see clearly.
> The soldier lay sleeping,
> Silent, alone,
> Curled up on the floor,
> In this one bedroom home.
> The face was so gentle,
> The room in such disorder,
> Not how I pictured,
> A Canadian soldier.
> Was this the hero,
> Of whom I'd just read?,
> Curled up on a poncho,
> The floor for a bed?
> I realized the families,
> That I saw this night,
> Owed their lives to these soldiers,
> Who were willing to fight.
> Soon round the world,
> The children would play,
> And grownups would celebrate,
> A bright Christmas Day.
> They all enjoyed freedom,
> Each month of the year,
> Because of the soldiers,
> Like the one lying here.
> I couldn't

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Ellen Boyce - 11/21/2007 [08:36]
Hamilton, Ontario,, Canada

Wishing you all the happiness and security of the season.  You are loved for what you are providing mankind home and abroad.  We know you are doing your best.

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Ann-Marie - 11/21/2007 [06:36]
KIngston, Ontario,, Canada

Soldiers in combat - men and women chosen and anointed by our sovereign God, by His command you penetrate the darkness and the light of truth shines. You are not alone! Holy angels, warring angels go with you! There is a mighty wind of the spirit flowing in your presence leading, guiding, teaching and protecting! Walk in confidence and assurance knowing you are anointed, called and destined for victory!
We are the watchmen strong Christian soldiers who pray without ceasing day and night. We take authority in the spiritual realm, we uphold you in victory! Be bold, victorious and conquer the darkness. Your victory is  eternally marked in heaven! 
God is with you!
Ann-Marie Kingston. On.

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Bill Larsen - 11/21/2007 [06:05]
Scotch Creek, British Columbia,, Canada

To all men and women serving Canada on foreign soil and specifically Afghanistan.
We are in our 70's and have never been called on for military service for our country. Our children are already too old for active service but we thank God for you. We pray that He will guide and protect you in that dangerous place.
We humbly thank you for what you are doing on our behalf.
- Bill and Laurie Larsen

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Jean-Claude Gravel - 11/21/2007 [03:55]
Trois-Rivières, Québec,, Canada

Courage les gars et les filles !!! Revenez d'l' Afganistan et du Kandahar en vie et en santé!!! surtout ceux et celles de Val Cartier !!!! J' penses à vous autres !!!!!

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Samantha - 11/21/2007 [02:58]
, Newfoundland, Canada

Im new here at the forum, just wanted to say hello

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Cathleen McFarland-Crowell - 11/21/2007 [02:18]
Lethbridge, Alberta,, Canada

I think of all of you every day and when I drive home and see the City flag at half-mast I feel so sad that another one of you has paid the ultimate price for defending democratic principles of freedo and equality and trying to bring those things to people along with clean water and roads.  The pressures that are on you as you do your job each day must be enormoous; it makes me feel a bit better about my job as a tax collector--people are only yelling at me and so far not shooting.
I keep a reminder to my office mates on my office door that they should wear red on Fridays, no matter what they think of the conflict--it doesn't change the brave way you have conducted the mission with which you hae been charged.  I will buy some bracelets at the "support our troops site" and make them available to wear on Fridays.  Everybody tells you to take care--I can only add my wish to theirs--keep your heads down and your eyes on that road ahead of you--we need you, we appreciate that Canadians can hold their heads up high knowing we didn't back down when called upon to do this important job and we do it in the most dangerous place without help but the Canadian soldier from Vimy Ridge to D-Day and Khandahar has always shown they have the right stuff--grit and determination.  Keep up the good work and please take care. cmcfc

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Francis & Nicole - 11/21/2007 [01:05]
Québec, Québec,, Canada

Salut et courage
Nous sommes un couple de la ville de Québec et nous très sensibles à votre courage et votre devoir de soldat là bas loin de vous foyers.
Nous réalisons que la liberté, la fraternité et le droit ne sont pas encore pour tous. Des hommes et des femmes comme vous sont nos remparts pour nos droits; oui nous saluons votre courage. Prenez bien soins de vous, et revenez bientôt dans vos foyers.

Francis & Nicole

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Connie - 11/21/2007 [00:32]
Burnaby, British Columbia,, Canada

You all deserve medals for all that you do to restore peace in the world and to help those who cannot help themselves. Thank you for representing people like me who cannot serve on the frontlines with you.

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Todd Kopp - 11/21/2007 [00:07]
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,, Canada

Be strong, be brave, be proud.  We are behind you!

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Nicolas Lévesque - 11/20/2007 [23:57]
Laval, Québec,, Canada

Je sais pas comment c'est en Afghanistan, on nous dit que ca se déroule bien mais malheureusement, il y a des gens qui meurts.C'est une raison de plus pour nous faire réaliser comment cette mission est importante, elle est importante du fait que ces gens n'ont pas la même chance que nous. Persévérer les gars et les filles, faite en sort qu'ils ne soient pas mort en vain. God Bless you all ! À Dieu, s'il le veut bien !


PS : Vous me rendez fier en maudit d'être Canadien

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James BIRCHALL - 11/20/2007 [23:11]

Dear CF,

Grey Cup fever is gripping CANADA. I will be hoisting a tall boy and be rooting for the Roughriders who are favoured to win!

This is what CFL is all about!!!


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Guylene Leroux - 11/20/2007 [22:39]
Surrey, British Columbia,, Canada

I would like to thank all of you for what you are doing, all of you out there are real heroes. Everybody here at home are very proud of all your efforts and courages. I also feel very sad by the lost of some of our troops, everytime I hear on the news that there has been casualties my heart drops to my stomach. God bless all of you and your families.

P.S. Happy Birthday Steve.

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Umna - 11/20/2007 [21:22]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I want to say that, me ,and I am sure all of Canada really appreciates what 
the Canadian troops are doing. They
are protecting not only other countries but also honoring Canada's name. We need to show the world what we are made of!
Again we are really proud! (:

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oldtoad gil - 11/20/2007 [20:58]
ajax, Ontario,, Canada

FREE Troop Christmas Cd 2007

for a copy sned info to
google oldtoad gil for reference
Merry Christmas
oldtoad gil and lady karen

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Valérie F. - 11/20/2007 [20:57]
St-Nicolas, Québec,, Canada

Aujourd’hui le sol  s’est recouvert d’une belle poussière blanche.  Malgré les sorties de routes, c’était vraiment mignon de voir les enfants courir dans la neige à la recherche de la moindre petite bute!!!  J’ai pris une grande bouffée d’air froide pour vous tous.  Lâchez pas, on apprécie votre bravoure et votre travail!

Valérie Xxx

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Ray Coderre - 11/20/2007 [19:35]
Calgary, Alberta,, Canada

I am a high school teacher who would like the names of individual soldiers who would be interested in receiving a letter from one of our students.  We have a Mentorship class which has a volunteerism component and many students expressed an interest in sending a letter to our troops.  If anyone is interested in providing their name and mail address (or email) I would be happy to forward it on to one of our students. 
Thanks for the freedoms you and others before you have provided to me and those I love.
With sincere thanks,

Ray Coderre
Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
Calgary, Alberta


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Laurie Nolan - 11/20/2007 [19:05]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

On my way home from a very bad day at the office, or so i thought I was moving slow on the highway back home- when the flashing lights of police cars rushed by. It was at that moment that the radio stated the bodies of cpl Nicholas Raymond Beauchamp and Pte Michel Livesque were on their way home- although traffic moved on, I could not-it was a moment to myself that I will never forget. Moment of truth as to how many soldiers have had the same fate. I stopped with my *poor me* day and sat in my driveway and said a prayer for each and everyone of you to come home safe to your awaiting families and friends, for the parents and families of all the fallen soldiers -i am truly sorry for your loss- FOR OUR LOSS- these are strong , giving people that our country was blessed to have- my family will say a special prayer for all you this night and everynight there after- You make me proud , but today my heart as well as many others truly hurts , Canadians miss you and love you and want you back home safe!

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David Lane - 11/20/2007 [18:47]
Ottawa, Ontario,, Canada

This isn't the Canadian way, but TRUST NO ONE. Your dealing with an enemy with no honour.

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Helene - 11/20/2007 [18:04]
Trois-Rivieres, Québec,, Canada

Carlo, tu es le meilleur.  Tu reponds a presque tous les courriels provenant du Quebec.  Fait attention a toi.  c'est l'fun de savoir que vous lisez les messages.  plein d'amour vers vous dans l'au-dela!!

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Helene - 11/20/2007 [17:59]
Trois-Rivieres, Québec,, Canada

You want to chat, I'm here.  Whatever you want to talk about, try me!  :-)

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marion - 11/20/2007 [17:48]
glace bay, Nova Scotia,, canada

As many other canadians I am embarrased to say I avoided thinking about you heros until I met one of you.Each one of you are our gaurdians and homeward bound heros.Bless the peace keepers for theres is the kingdom of heaven,I love you all for your courage strength and obiedience ,who risks his or her life each for a wretch like me.May the God of Abraham Issac and Jacob bless you always

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Ray - 11/20/2007 [17:25]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

Often my ignorance keeps me from remebering you, why you are there, and why you need to be there.

I thank you all for your courage, perseverence, dedication, and spirit.

I pray for the Afghanis people, your safety, your families, and for peace.

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