Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Sablefish broodstock development

The research will be carried out on sablefish from three different origins, adults captured off the west coast of Vancouver Island, adults captured in mainland inlets (Jervis) and fish which were captured as juveniles and have since been grown out in cages on a commercial farm.

All fish will be will be tested by comparing two tanks with a depth of 2.4 m and a diameter of 3.66 m and two tanks with a depth of 1.2 m and 3.66 m diameter to determine the effect of two temperature regimes during the months preceding spawning on vitellogenic processes, the time of spawning and egg quality in captive sablefish, to evaluate the influence of tank size on somatic growth vitellogenic processes, spawning, egg quality and repeated spawning over 2 annual cycles in captive sablefish and to compare the spawning characteristics between sablefish of three distinct origins (West coast Vancouver Island, Jervis Inlet and netpen reared).

Females that have completed their vitellogenesis will be induced to spawn using slow release cholesterol implants to delineate the seasonal cycle of sexual maturation in captive sablefish and to develop a diagnostic test based on measurement of egg yolk protein that can be used to distinguish sexes and monitor maturation of captive female sablefish.

Fecundity, egg viability and egg quality will be assessed by recording the following parameters for each female: egg size, number of ovulations, volume of eggs in each spawn, fertilization rate, early cell morphology embryo survival to yolk plug closure, survival to hatch, survival to first feeding.

Project Start Date: October 1, 2001

Project Completion Date: March 31, 2004

For further information please contact: DFO project leader: Craig Clarke (E-mail: or Regional ACRDP Coordinator: Jerry Corriveau (E-mail:



Last updated : 2007-05-23

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