Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada



An Economic Analysis of the Mussel Industry in Prince Edward Island – Gulf Region

Aquaculture in Eastern Canada - A Growing Opportunity

Canada: A Leader in Sustainable Aquaculture
HTML | PDF (1, 119 KB)

Canadian Aquaculture Industry (2004-2005) - Key Figures

Canadian Aquaculture Industry (2003-2004) - Key Figures
HTML | PDF (1, 530 KB)

DFO State-of-Knowledge Initiative - A Scientific Review of the Potential Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in Aquatic Ecosystems

Myths and Realities about Salmon Farming

Overview: Qualitative Research Exploring Canadians' Perceptions, Attitudes and Concerns Towards Aquaculture

Executive Summary - Perceptions of Canadian Aquaculture by U.S. Seafood Opinion Leaders
 - Produced by Créatec + (April 2007)

Report of the Task Force on Fostering a Sustainable Salmon Farming Industry for Atlantic Canada

Sustainable Aquaculture in British Columbia

The Federal Role in Achieving Sustainable Aquaculture – Presentation to: Special Committee on Sustainable Aquaculture

Policy Documents

Aquaculture Policy Framework
HTML | PDF (2,680 KB)

CCFAM Canadian Action Plan
HTML | PDF (21 KB)

Federal Aquaculture Development Strategy
HTML | PDF (354 KB)

National Code on Introductions and Transfers of Aquatic Organisms
HTML | PDF (202 KB)

DFO Policy on Access to Wild Aquatic Resources as it Applies to Aquaculture
HTML | PDF (129 KB)

Standing & Senate Committee Reports and Government Responses

The Federal Role in Aquaculture in Canada
Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (April 2003)

Government Response to the Report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans on the Federal Role in Aquaculture in Canada

Aquaculture in Canada's Altantic and Pacific Regions
Interim Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries (June 2001)

Interim Guides

Interim Guide to the Application of Section 35 of the Fisheries Act to Salmonid Cage Aquaculture Developments
HTML | PDF (119 KB)

Interim Guide to Consideration of Cumulative Environmental Effects under CEAA Relative to Aquaculture Projects
HTML | PDF (38 KB)

Interim Guide to Consideration of Effects of Environmental Change on Socio-Economic Conditions under CEAA Relative to Aquaculture Projects
HTML | PDF (28 KB)

Interim Guide to Fisheries Management Role in the Evaluation of Aquaculture Site Applications
HTML | PDF (61 KB)

Interim Guide to Information Requirements for Environmental Assessment of Marine Finfish Aquaculture Projects
HTML | PDF (197 KB)

Interim Guide to Information Requirements for Environmental Assessment of Marine Shellfish Aquaculture Projects
HTML | PDF (183 KB)

Reports from the Office of the Commissioner of Aquaculture Development (OCAD)

Recommendations for Change 2003
HTML | PDF (1175 KB)

Achieving the Vision 2003
HTML | PDF (2884 KB)

Legislative and Regulatory Review of Aquaculture in Canada
HTML | PDF (372 KB)

Economic Potential of Sea Ranching and Enhancement of Selected Shellfish Species in Canada
HTML | PDF (203 KB)

Background Studies

Study 1: Current Status and Potential of the Canadian Aquaculture Industry
HTML | PDF (311 KB)

Study 2: International Fish and Seafood Market: A Canadian Perspective
HTML | PDF (446 KB)

Study 3: Market Outlook in the International Fish and Seafood Sector: Alternative Products / Uses and Food Safety Issues
HTML | PDF (267 KB)

Study 4: Review of Provincial and Territorial Program and Services in the Aquaculture Sector
HTML | PDF (331 KB)

Study 5: Review of Federal Program / Initiatives in Support of the Aquaculture Industry
HTML | PDF (409 KB)

Study 6: Federal Programs and Services for Five Resource-based Industries
HTML | PDF (314 KB)

Study 7: The International Context for Aquaculture Development: Growth in Production and Demand and Long-term Outlook
HTML | PDF (845 KB)

External Reports/Documents

Millbrook’s Dive into Aquaculture
by Cate Barratt - Senior Communications Manager, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region

Farmed salmonids are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and contain very few residues of environmental contaminants
Richard Morin, Innovation and Technologies Branch, ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ)

Freshwater Aquaculture Research Program in Action
By Renée Mactaggart, Strategic Media Relations Manager, Central & Arctic Region

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002


Last Updated : 2007-09-27

Important Notices