Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Aquaculture

FACT SHEET - Fast Facts About Freshwater Aquaculture in Canada

  • Freshwater fish are raised in dug-outs or ponds for smaller-scale operations, or net-cages suspended in lakes for larger-scale, commercial operations. Freshwater species are also grown in land-based (flow through or recirculation) tank systems.
  • Canada’s freshwater aquaculture sector consists of more than 700 operations that produce more than 10 000 tonnes of product annually with a farm-gate value of about $70 million.
  • More than 1,260 full-time jobs have been created by this sector. There are about 900 direct positions and 360 indirect jobs in the aquaculture supplies and services sector.
  • The majority of freshwater aquaculture operations are land-based facilities where fish are reared in ponds, tanks and/or raceways. There are also approximately one dozen cage culture operations located in lakes and reservoirs. While outnumbered by their land-based counterparts, net-cage culture operations account for more than 45% of total freshwater aquaculture output in Canada.
  • There are freshwater aquaculture operations – commercial and recreational "U-fish" businesses - in almost every province in Canada, including the Yukon Territory. Ontario and Quebec are the dominant producers of freshwater fish in Canada, followed by Saskatchewan, Alberta and New Brunswick.

  • The two main species of freshwater fish currently being raised for commercial and recreational purposes across Canada are Rainbow trout and Brook trout.
Species Tonnage Percent
Rainbow trout 7,684 76%
Brook trout 1,200 12%
Arctic char, Tilapia, Lake trout, Brown trout and Others 1,248 12%
TOTAL 10,132 100%


Last Updated : 2007-09-26

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