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Financial Consumer Agency of Canada - Agence de la consommation en matière financière du Canada


For Consumers

Consumer Alerts

FCAC issues e-mail fraud warning about “phishing” e-mail sent to Canadian financial institutions that claims to be from FCAC.

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) has been notified by several Canadian financial institutions that have received a fraudulent “phishing” e-mail crafted to look like a message sent from the Agency.

These e-mails state that FCAC is investigating a complaint lodged against their organization, and direct recipients to click on a link in the e-mail to view the complaint. These e-mails DO NOT originate from FCAC. They are fraudulent (SPAM).

If you receive one of these messages:

1 Delete the fraudulent e-mail immediately.
2 Do NOT use the link provided in the e-mail or visit any Web site listed in the message as some of these sites contain harmful software.  Check for legitimate contact information yourself.
3 Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES does FCAC contact financial intsitutions or consumers in this manner during its complaint-investigation process. FCAC’s established procedures DO NOT operate in this method and you will never be informed of such a complaint by e-mail. To contact FCAC or lodge a complaint with the Agency, visit the official Web site at or call FCAC’s Consumer Contact Centre at 1- 866-461-FCAC (3222).
4 As a general rule, always be cautious about any suspicious or alarming e-mails you receive. You can report fraudulent e-mails to Phonebusters, an anti-fraud call centre run by the Ontario Provincial Police and the RCMP. For information on fraud schemes, visit, send an e-mail to, or call 1- 888-495-8501 (toll free).


FCAC/ACFC Toll-free 1.866.461.FCAC (3222)
Protecting Consumers / Informing Canadians Printable Version

Last Modified: 2006-08-21
Important Notices