Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Negotiating and Implementing International Labour Cooperation Agreements

Through the development and implementation of trade-related Labour Cooperation Agreements, Canada aims to address the labour dimensions of economic integration and to promote respect for fundamental labour principles and rights.

To date, Canada is signatory to the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation with the United States and Mexico, the Canada-Chile Agreement on Labour Cooperation and the Canada-Costa Rica Agreement on Labour Cooperation. The Agreements, which are parallel to Free Trade Agreements, seek to improve working conditions and living standards in the signatory countries, and to protect and enhance basic workers’ rights. Under these Agreements, participating countries commit to effectively enforce their own labour legislation, cooperate on labour matters, and promote certain key labour principles.

The Labour Branch is also responsible for the Canada-Brazil Memorandum of Understanding on Labour Cooperation.

In addition to the implementation of these existing agreements, the Labour Branch at Human Resources and Skills Development Canada is working closely with Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada on the Canada - Central America Four Free Trade Agreement Negotiations which include El Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras and Nicaragua and the Canada-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Negotiations.