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Music Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund


1 February

Program Description

The Artists and Community Collaboration Fund (ACCF) increases the Canada Council for the Arts’ commitment to the diverse artistic activities that bring together professional artists and the broader community and that give the arts a stronger presence in everyday life. The ACCF provides an opportunity for communities to express themselves through creative collaborations with leading professional artists.

Artists and community collaboration is an arts process that actively involves the work of professional artists and non-arts community members in creative and collaborative relationships. Priority will be given to projects that involve youth and arts education.

The Music Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund Program offers one-time financial support to projects initiated and coordinated by individual professional musicians, professional music ensembles/bands or professional non-profit music organizations.

Grants are intended as a contribution towards the specific costs of the production of new work (including development/creation) and/or public presentation of work.

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Eligible Applicants

  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
  • Full-time students are not eligible.
  • Individual musicians applying to this program must be recognized as professional artists. The Canada Council for the Arts defines a professional artist as someone who has specialized training in the field (not necessarily in academic institutions), who is recognized as such by her or his peers (artists working in the same artistic tradition), who is committed to devoting more time to the artistic activity, if financially feasible, and who has a history of public presentation or publication.
  • Music organizations applying to this program must be incorporated non-profit music organizations and must not be currently receiving annual assistance from the Music Section. Professional music ensembles/bands are also eligible to apply.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

It is strongly recommended that potential applicants speak to the Music Section officer to confirm their eligibility, before submitting their request.

Applicants should be aware that meeting the eligibility criteria allows them to apply to the program. It does not, however, guarantee that they will receive a grant.

Ineligible projects

The following are not eligible for funding from this program:

  • capital projects (such as the renovation of a building);
  • collaborative projects involving only professional artists;
  • fundraising events;
  • instructional activities, pedagogical activities or music lessons;
  • programs that are part of an accredited college or university program.

Other Restrictions

Applicants may not apply to this program for support of activities that appear in any other current request to the Canada Council.

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Grant Amount

Applicants may apply for up to $20,000 per project. Because of the high number of applications that may be received and the limited resources available, grants awarded may be smaller than the amounts requested.

To be eligible for support, expenses must be directly related to the project. They may include:

  • professional musicians’ fees;
  • production costs;
  • marketing and publicity costs;
  • rehearsal costs;
  • honoraria for community participants (i.e. non-professionals);

Other reasonable expenses directly related to the project will be considered. Subsistence costs are not eligible.

Retroactive funding is not available.

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Assessment of Applications

Applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the Music Section, according to the published criteria in the application guidelines accompanying the form, with outside consultation if needed.

Eligible applications will be evaluated, in a national comparative context, by a peer assessment committee. The committee is a representative body of music professionals, with various kinds of expertise. Members are selected to ensure balanced representation of gender, regional and cultural diversity, Aboriginal peoples and genres.

Peer assessment committee decisions for this program are final recommendations for approval by the Canada Council.
Applicants will be notified of the competition results, by letter, approximately four months after the application deadline. Results are not released over the telephone.

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Application Form

Music Project Grants: ACCF (pdf, 78 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

This program summary provides an outline of the Music Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund. For further details or to obtain an application form, contact Gerri Trimble, Music Program Officer.

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or (613) 566-4414, ext. 4103   

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: (613) 565-5194

Fax: (613) 566-4409

Music Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, ON K1P 5V8

October 2005