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New Music Program: Multi-Year and Annual Funding


15 March

Program Description

The New Music Program provides multi-year (two-year), annual and project funding to Canadian professional ensembles, performing groups, producers, presenters and non-profit organizations devoted to the development and presentation of new music in public venues and before a live audience.

Eligible forms of new music include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • classical contemporary
  • contemporary
  • concert
  • musique actuelle
  • improvised
  • alternative
  • experimental
  • electro-acoustic
  • acousmatic
  • electronic
  • computer music
  • sound art
  • audio art
  • sound installation
  • radio art
  • soundscape
  • digital music
  • turntable art

The program has three components:

  • Multi-year Funding
  • Annual Funding
  • Project Funding (this includes Regular Project Grants, Special Project Grants, Solo Project Grants, and Grants in Alternative Spaces)

Note that Special Project Grants are available only to organizations that receive Multi-year funding. To apply for Project Funding Grants, please ask the Music Section for the guidelines and application forms for this component.

Multi-year and Annual Funding

Annual Funding grants contribute financial support, on a yearly basis, for the applicant organization’s overall local activities and operational structure.

Multi-year Funding grants contribute financial support, over two years, for the applicant organization’s overall local activities and operational structure.

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Applicants applying for multi-year funding must be incorporated non-profit organizations with a board of directors. Organizations with less formal structures are eligible for annual and project funding.

All required activities must take place in the organization’s home market.

Multi-year funding applicants must have presented at least two full seasons of local performances, including at least three different programs, ensuring consistency and continuity in their yearly series of concerts/events. A minimum of three different programming events are required annually. These must be ticketed events.

Annual funding applicants must have presented at least two full seasons of local performances, including at least two different programs. Two different programmed events (these events must be ticketed), plus another public activity (tour, CD launch with performance, workshop, etc.) are required annually.

Applicants must also:

  • act as programmers, presenters and producers of their series of concerts/events (that is, they must take the main responsibility for the operational framework of the presentations, even in the case of co-productions)
  • engage professional artistic personnel
  • have an administrative infrastructure in keeping with the nature of their artistic production
  • not carry an accumulated deficit that threatens the viability of their organization
  • receive significant support from other sources.

Applicants receiving multi-year funding are eligible to apply for one Special Project Grant per year. To apply, ask the Music Section for the Project Funding Grants application guidelines and form.

The New Music program supports many forms of new music, including musique actuelle and other improvised forms. However, musique actuelle ensembles or other improvising artists that identify their work primarily with non-classical music traditions may be directed to apply to the Concert Production and Rehearsal Program for Aboriginal, Classical, Folk, Jazz and World Music (the deadline for this program is 15 May). Further information can be obtained from the Music Section Officer (see the last page of these guidelines for contact information).

Contemporary opera/music theatre organizations should apply to the Opera/Music Theatre Program, also administered by the Music Section. However, applicants must first consult the Music Section to determine which peer assessment committee could best assess their request for support. Applicants cannot request operating support from more than one Music Section program.

Applicants that have received Annual Funding for the past two years may request multi-year funding if they wish but are not required to do so. Small ensembles (that is, duos, trios or quartets) that function primarily as ensembles are eligible for Annual support, but not eligible for Multi-year funding. In cases where the peer assessment committee lacks confidence in extending multi-year support, it may recommend annual or project funding.

Applicants that have received at least two consecutive Regular Project grants from this program (or in some cases, one of these grants from the Concert Production and Rehearsal Program: Project Funding) and that meet the basic eligibility criteria may apply for Annual Funding.

Reinstatement to any prior program level requires consultation with the Music Section Officer, but in most cases applicants will be required to meet the above criteria.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

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Grant Amount

The peer assessment committee recommends funding priorities and establishes the value of the Canada Council’s contribution to the applicant’s proposed activities. Recommendations are made in relation to the program’s assessment criteria described in the application guidelines accompanying the form.

Retroactive funding is not available.

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Application Form

This application form consists of all documents below. These documents can be printed.  The form cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

Aimé Dontigny
Music Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON  K1P 5V8

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 5111

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: 613-565-5194

February 2007