Industry Canada | Industrie Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Success Stories

The success stories page shows how our programs and services are helping industry, research, youth, businesses and communities.

Industry Canada

Business Tools and Resources

High Performance Manufacturing — Canadian Best Practices/Success Stories
View examples of Canadian manufacturers and service companies with high performance manufacturing technologies, such as lean manufacturing, that have helped them to improve their competitiveness and productivity.

Canadian Training Solutions
Learn how Canadian industries are gaining the benefits of having a skilled, knowledgeable workforce since developing a training strategy in their organization. Companies are encouraged to submit their training success story.

Managing for Business Success — Canadian Small Business Case Study Success Stories
Entrepreneurs look for role models as they struggle with the challenges of starting and growing a business. Case studies demonstrate how small business is managing in areas that are a key focus for government, such as finance and skills development.

Electronic Commerce

Canadian Apparel E-Business Success Stories
Richter Consulting was hired by Industry Canada to conduct three case study interviews with apparel companies to document examples of successful e-business implementations.

Student Connections (SC)
Check their "Client Success Stories" and "Student Success Stories" to see how Student Connections is helping student, business and senior communities throughout Canada use and understand technology.


Canadian Apparel and Textile Industries Program — Celebrating CATIP's Successes
Read about some of Canada's textile and apparel companies that have acquired the leading-edge tools they need to build and sustain competitive advantage.

Small Business Loans Act Success Stories
Read past stories confirming the positive effect of the Small Business Loans Act.

Industrial Sector

Aerospace and Defence
Read how some well-known aerospace and automotive companies and their suppliers have improved their business processes.

Service Industries — Roadmap to International Development Business — Case Studies, Success Stories & Examples
See how some management consulting firms are pursuing international development business service opportunities through projects funded by United Nations agencies and International Financial Institutions.


Innovation in Canada
Through the efforts of innovative Canadians, new products and services are being developed and introduced in every sector of the economy.

Intellectual Property

IP Toolkit — Success Stories
Read stories of Canadian entrepreneurs who have patented their innovative ideas to create successful products.

Regional and Rural Development

Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario (FedNor)
Read how FedNor investment is helping small business, youth, tourism and communities in Northern and rural Ontario.

Francommunautés virtuelles
Past success stories and links to sites developed under the Francommunautés virtuelles program designed to help Canada's Francophone and Acadian communities take full advantage of information and communications technologies; to increase content, applications and services in French on the Internet; and to promote networking.

Science and Technology

Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC)
CRC contributes to Canada's innovative culture through performing world-class R&D, which results in a stronger economy and a higher quality of life for Canadians.


Broadband for Rural and Northern Development Pilot Program
The best practices, lessons learned and benefits of this program can be viewed on their Case Studies and Success Stories pages.

Youth Initiatives

Computers for Schools
Summaries of how the Computers for Schools program is helping students get hands-on computer experience throughout Canada.

Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence — Recipients
Biographies, including subjects taught, teaching approaches, outstanding achievements and rave reviews of teachers who have received the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence.

Industry Portfolio