Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Have a question? We invite you to read the corporate FAQs below or to visit any of our subject specific FAQs.

Still can't find what your looking for? Try our A-Z index, Search, or Contact-Us directly.

Government Copyright

Jobs / Employment / Careers

Flags / Promotional Materials

Publiservice / Government Intranet / GNet

Taxes / GST / Pension / Benefits


More Frequently Asked Questions by Subject

Here you will find a list of our specific FAQ pages organized by subject:

Buying and Selling

For Canadians

For Business

For Government

Payments and Pension


Pension and Benefits for Federal Public Servants

Property and Buildings


Translation and Interpretation

Government Copyright

The application for crown copyright clearance is available on the Government of Canada Publications Crown Copyright & Licensing Web site.

Documents may be reproduced from the PWGSC Web site as long as they are reproduced accurately, credit is provided to the Department and there is no commercial/resale intent. In the case of non-PWGSC material, we cannot grant permission to copy material where we do not hold the copyright. In these cases, you must seek permission from the original copyright holder before reproducing or copying any material. For more information on Crown Copyright clearances, please visit the Government of Canada Publications Crown Copyright & Licensing Web site.

All photos in Government of Canada publications are copyrighted. You should contact the author of the publication directly for clarification on individual photos. For more information on Crown Copyright clearances, please visit the Government of Canada Publications Crown Copyright & Licensing Web site.

Jobs / Employment / Careers

How can I apply for a job with Public Works and Government Services Canada?

To apply for a job with PWGSC, you must go through the Public Service Commission of Canada (PSC). The PSC is the agency responsible for most of the recruitment from outside the federal public service.

Where can I find electronic job offers?

The main electronic source for Government of Canada job offers is the Public Service Commission Job Bank.

How does a student find work within the government?

Students looking for employment may wish to visit:

Flags / Promotional Materials

Where can I send my request for a Canadian flag?

Where can I find Government of Canada promotional materials such as pins or flags?

To request promotional materials, contact your local Member of Parliament.

Publiservice / Government Intranet / GNet

How can I access the Publiservice site?

  • Managed by Service Canada, Publiservice provides on-line information sources and essential work tools to Government of Canada employees. Publiservice is only accessible to employees from within government departments. (The following information is only accessible to federal departments and agencies).
  • Managed by PWGSC, the PWGSC Government Portal (PWGSC@Publiservice) provides on-line information sources and essential work tools to all Government of Canada employees wishing to do business with PWGSC. PWGSC@Publiservice is only accessible to employees from within government departments. (The following information is only accessible to federal departments and agencies).

Taxes / GST / Pension / Benefits

Where do I find information about income tax, GST credits, child tax credits or other tax related information?

For information on income tax, GST credits, child tax credits or other tax related information, please visit the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Web site.

How do I figure out what my public service pension will be?

For information on pay, pension or benefits, please visit


Where / How can I obtain printed Government of Canada documents or publications?

To obtain a printed Government of Canada document or publication, visit the Canadian Government Publishing Centre.

Please visit the PWGSC Publications page for the list of PWGSC publications available on-line.