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Women's Program

Women's Community Fund - Application Guide - 2007-2008

Appendix 4 - Project Assessment Factors

The Organization's:

  • Eligibility



  • Capacity

  • Whether the applicant organization's mandate and objectives support the Women's Program objective and reflect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Whether the organization functions democratically and practices responsible governance.
  • Whether the organization is financially and administratively stable and can manage human resources.
  • Whether the funding history with the Women's Program or other funding sources demonstrates accountability for funds and successful completion of projects.
  • The organization's knowledge of the issue, its ability to implement the project, carry out the evaluation and report on the outcomes.
  • The extent to which the organization leverages resources and builds partnerships through its work with public institutions and other stakeholders.

The Project's:

  • Alignment




  • Expected Results



  • Feasibility/Effectiveness

  • The extent to which the proposed project is aligned with government of Canada/SWC funding priorities.
  • Whether the proposed project addresses one or more of the priority issues identified for 2007-2008.
  • How the proposed project will contribute to the improvement of women's economic, social and cultural situation.
  • Whether the application identifies clear, realistic and measurable outcomes to be achieved through the project and demonstrates clearly how these outcomes will impact women directly.
  • The feasibility and effectiveness of the project in terms of the proposed activities, expected outcomes, timelines and potential risks.
  • The extent to which the organization is involved with the community, the level of collaboration with relevant stakeholders and the extent to which women affected by the issue are directly involved in all aspects of the project.

Project Budget

  • The level of funding requested from Women's Program.
  • Other financial and in-kind support keeping in mind that SWC generally provides funding to a maximum of 60% of the cost of any project.
  • The eligibility of the items and activities for which the organization is requesting funding from Women's Program.
  • Whether the project budget is realistic in view of the proposed activities and expected outcomes.
  • Whether the amounts requested in all budgets lines are consistent with local norms.
  • The rationale for SWC assistance as opposed to other funding sources including federal or other levels of government.

Last Updated: 2007-11-01
Last Reviewed: 2007-11-01
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