News Release


    November 20, 2001


    OTTAWA - The Government of Canada today released the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001, in keeping with its continued commitment to help children get a good start in life. The release of this report on current federal early childhood development activities and expenditures was announced by Human Resources Development Minister Jane Stewart and Health Minister Allan Rock.

    At a meeting of First Ministers in September 2000, the Government of Canada and provincial and territorial governments (with the exception of the Government of Quebec) announced the Early Childhood Development Agreement. All governments committed to report annually to Canadians on their progress in enhancing early childhood development programs and services. Today’s report is the Government of Canada’s fulfillment of its first reporting commitment under the Agreement to provide baseline information for tracking future progress. This report will give Canadians a picture of the variety of early childhood development programs and services the Government of Canada provides to help children get a good start in life.

    "Governments have identified early childhood development as a priority through the National Children’s Agenda," said Minister Stewart. "The best way to help children reach their full potential is to provide programs and services that make a real difference in the lives of Canadian families and their young children."

    "The health and well-being of children is an important priority for the Government of Canada," said Minister Rock. "We recognize the early years of life are critical to the development and future well-being of children."

    The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001 is a comprehensive overview of the Government of Canada’s current activities and expenditures in the area of early childhood development. It includes descriptions of each activity and the number of children and families benefiting from Government of Canada programs and services.

    For example, the report notes that maternity and/or parental benefits available through the Employment Insurance program totaled close to $1.2 billion reaching over 170,000 families in 2000-2001. The Community Action Program for Children benefited over 47,000 families for a total of $59.5 million in the same year.

    As part of the Agreement, First Ministers agreed on the following four key areas for action: promoting healthy pregnancy, birth and infancy; improving parenting and family supports; strengthening early childhood development, learning and care; and strengthening community supports. The Government of Canada is providing $2.2 billion over five years to provincial and territorial governments to support their investments in any or all of these areas. As of April 1, 2001 the Government of Canada transferred a total of $300 million through the Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) for early childhood development programs and services to provinces and territories in 2001-2002.

    For more information on the Early Childhood Development Agreement, or to obtain copies of the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001 and Highlights summary document, please refer to the Social Union Website at

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    Backgrounder: Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001 (33510)

    Media Inquiries:
    Également disponible en français
    Elizabeth Clarkson
    Press Secretary
    Minister Stewart’s Office
    (819) 953-2353

    Ghyslain Charron
    Media Relations
    Human Resources Development Canada
    (819) 994-5559

    Selena Beattie
    Office of Allan Rock
    (613) 957-0200

    Margot Geduld
    Health Canada
    (613) 957-1588

    Public Inquiries (Health Canada):
    (613) 957-2991

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