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Contact Us

Contact Us

Museum Address:

Canada Science and Technology Museum
1867 St Laurent Blvd
Ottawa, Ontario  K1G 5A3

Postal Address:

Canada Science and Technology Museum
PO Box 9724, Station T
Ottawa ON K1G 5A3

Contact Information:

Telephone: 613 991-3044 (Country Code +1)
Toll free number: 1-866-442-4416
TTY: 613 991-9207

GPS coordinates

If your car is equipped with, or you have, a GPS device, enter the following data:
longitude: 75° 37' 13.0" West 75.62028
latitude: 45° 24' 13" North 45.40366
elevation: 70.0 metres (235 feet)


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The Canada Science and Technology Museum is one of three museums comprising the Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation.

Search the Corporate Directory.

Our sister museums are:

Canada Agrivulture Museum

Canada Aviation Museum

Museums of Canada... and the World

These links provide comprehensive lists of museum web sites in Canada and the World.
The World:
Museums Around the World - ICOM