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The Canada Premium Bond
The Canada Savings Bond
The Canada RSP
The Canada RIF
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How to buy
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   Payroll Savings Program
   Buying bonds as a gift
   Buying bonds for RRSP
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How to buy

Whether you're saving money for retirement, for a child's education or just for a "rainy day", it's important to have a good savings plan. Whatever your personal finance goals, it's wise to have a balanced portfolio and consider all your options - and that includes Canada Savings Bonds. When you buy Canada Savings Bonds, you're buying security and peace of mind.

Buying Canada Savings Bonds

The Canada Premium Bond and the Canada Savings Bond
Each year, the CPB and the CSB are on sale from early October through to April 1. There are several convenient and flexible ways to purchase the CPB and the CSB.
Buy Online
You can order the Canada Premium Bond and the Canada Savings Bond online from early October to April 1.
Buy Directly By Phone
You can buy the CPB and the CSB directly by telephone by calling toll-free 1 888 773-9999, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm, Eastern Time.
Buy Where You Bank or Invest
You can also purchase the CPB and the CSB at most banks, credit unions, caisses populaires or trust companies across Canada, as well as through most full service investment dealers and discount brokerage companies.
Buying through the Payroll Savings Program
Every year about 1 million Canadians buy the Canada Savings Bond through payroll deduction at their place of work. For 60 years now the Payroll Savings Program has been a valuable employee benefit for these Canadians and has proved to be a safe, steady and easy way for them to realize their goals and enjoy secure and solid returns. The CSB can be purchased through the Payroll Savings Program during either October or February, depending on the sponsoring employer.
Buying bonds as a gift
Canada Savings Bonds make an ideal gift for any occasion. They are the gift that keeps on giving - as they are appreciated at the time of giving and again later when they are redeemed. This year, give the gift they can grow into, not out of. You can select, personalize, e-mail or print out an attractive gift card directly from here.
Buying bonds for your RRSP
Protecting your retirement savings is important, and so safe and secure Canada Savings Bonds are an ideal choice for your RRSP. When you purchase Canada Savings Bonds to contribute to The Canada RSP or to a self-directed RRSP, you're purchasing certainty for your future and tax-deferred growth of the bond while held in the RRSP. For peace of mind, be sure to buy Canada Savings Bonds - and hold them in your RRSP - as part of your personal finance plan.
CSBs - The gift that never goes out of style

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Bond Values
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Updated:    2007 10 09
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