National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Did you know?

NRC offers career opportunities across Canada for people from practically every background: experienced university staff, co-op students, summer students and new graduates. Full-time, part-time and term positions are available. We have opportunities in many areas.


In order to view all of our current openings, you can use our jobs database to search for jobs by date, location, title or institute and to apply for a specific competition.

You can also apply online for one of our employment programs (summer program, research associate program, etc.)

For a better understanding of our job posters, have a look at the definitions of words and terms used in job posters.

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Employment Equity

The employment equity section of the application form is voluntary. NRC values diversity in our workforce and as such we encourage candidates to self-identify as members of the following designated groups: women, visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities.

Why self-identify when applying for a position?

Firstly, your self-identification remains confidential. It is protected by the Privacy Act and by the Code of Confidentiality.

Secondly, NRC is committed to achieving equitable representation of designated groups at all levels within its organisation.

Thirdly, these numbers are of great value to NRC as they provide us with much-needed information to undertake, when possible, special programs or specific actions to make equitable representation happen.

Finally, NRC is also collecting information on the composition of its workforce to comply with legislation on employment equity, as well as to facilitate the planning and implementation of employment equity activities. This information will also allow us to have a more accurate profile of who we are and how representative we are within the Canadian workforce.

Accommodations can be made for those who need them, both during the application and selection processes and after appointment. For example, tests are available in alternative formats, test duration may be adjusted to meet special needs, specific technological aids or working arrangements can be provided in the workplace and your workplace can be adjusted to meet your specific needs.

TTY number: (613) 949-3042

Date Published: 2002-12-16
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