Government of Saskatchewan Western Red Lilies
   Victims Services

Victims Services grants compensation to victims for reasonable expenses resulting from criminal acts of personal violence such as physical and/or sexual assault, murder, robbery and kidnapping. It does not cover expenses related to property crimes.

How do I know if I am eligible for compensation?

  • The crime must have occurred in Saskatchewan.
  • You must report the crime and to the police.
  • The harm must have been the result of a Criminal Code offence listed in the Regulations. Generally, these are crimes of personal violence such as robbery, sex crimes, assault causing bodily harm, manslaughter, murder, attempted murder and kidnapping.
  • You must make an application for compensation within two years from the date of injury, or in the case of sexual assualt within two years from the date the offence was reported to police.

How do I apply for compensation?

If you are the victim of a criminal act of personal violence, you must first report the crime to the police. The next step is to fill out a Victims Compensation Program application form (français), available from:

You do not need a lawyer to apply. Applications will be accepted up to two years after the crime has been committed. However, in cases os sexual assault, you may apply up to two years after the date of the offence was reported to the police

What can I be compensated for?

Examples of "reasonable expenses" include:

  • Certain medical costs (such as ambulance and prescriptions not covered by another plan and dental, chiropractic and eye glass costs);
  • Counselling, including traditional Aboriginal healing methods, while you are involved in the criminal justice system;
  • Funeral expenses to a maximum of $3,500 where not covered by other programs;
  • Loss of income where it is not covered by Employment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation or an insurance plan; and
  • Clothing damaged as a result of the crime.

Compensation is not available for pain and suffering, personal property damage or legal fees.