Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Subscribe to the daily Travel Updates

To receive daily (weekdays only) e-mail Travel Updates notifying you of changes to our Current Issues section and our Country Travel Reports, please submit your e-mail address in the space provided below.

The Current Issues section provides up-to-date information on ongoing situations around the world that may affect the security of Canadians.

The Country Travel Reports offer information on safety and security issues, health concerns, and entry requirements for approximately 200 destinations worldwide.

You will receive an e-mail message indicating whether the Current Issues page has been updated, as well as a list of Country Travel Reports that were updated in the previous 24 hours.

NOTE: The Travel Updates are sent from []. Please use this domain name when configuring e-mail or spam filter rules, if you use them.

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text of each e-mail message, or you can send an e-mail request to

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if you experience any other problems with this service, please let us know
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