Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada



What is a visa?

Bullet How do I know if I need a visa to travel to my destination?
Bullet Where do I obtain a visa?
Bullet Do countries charge for visas?
Bullet Should I send my passport to the office of the foreign government?
Bullet Can I obtain a visa at the point of entry to a country?
Bullet How do I renew or change the status of my visa?

Q: What is a visa?

A: A visa is permission granted and issued by another country for you to enter that country. Permission to enter another country is the sole prerogative of that country. Not all countries require Canadians to have a visa, but many do. There are several categories of visas. The requirements and processing times for your visa will depend on what you intend to do while you are abroad: visit, study or work.

Q: How do I know if I need a visa to travel to my destination?

A: Before your departure, consult the following sources for country-specific visa information:

Q: Where do I obtain a visa?

A: Visas are issued by foreign government offices in Canada. You should contact the embassy or consulate in Canada of the countries you are travelling to.

Q: Do countries charge for visas?

A: Yes, all countries have visa fees. These vary from country to country and are levied in accordance with your purpose of entry. Visas for tourism are the least expensive, while those for permanent residency or working are more expensive.

Q: Should I send my passport to the office of the foreign government?

A: Yes, all countries need to see your passport before issuing a visa. Most visas are stamped in your passport. To ensure the safe handling of your passport, mail it using secure mail facilities and enclose a stamped, self-addressed return envelope.

Q: Can I obtain a visa at the point of entry to a country?

A: A few countries will issue a visa upon your arrival, but this is not a common procedure in most countries and could cause delays. It is always best to obtain a visa before you leave Canada. Permission to enter another country is the sole prerogative of that country; you may be denied entry into a country if you do not have a valid visa upon arrival.

Q: How do I renew or change the status of my visa?

A: To extend your stay in a country beyond the period permitted by the visa you currently hold, or to change the status of your visa (for example, from a visitor visa to a work visa), contact the nearest Canadian government office abroad and consular officials will refer you to the proper authorities in that country.