Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Last Updated: September 10, 2007 15:03 EDT
Still Valid: November 15, 2007 22:59 EST


Section 9 (outbreak of chikungunya fever) of this Travel Report has been updated.

Italy (capital: Rome) is located in southern Europe, on a peninsula that extends into the Mediterranean Sea. It borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia. Tourist facilities are widely available. The official language is Italian.



There is no Official Warning for this country.

OFFICIAL REGISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada offers a
registration service for Canadians travelling or residing abroad. Canadians should register with the responsible Canadian government office in this country if they are going to be there for longer than three months. Registration can be done on-line or by calling the responsible Canadian government office abroad to request a registration form. Canadians visiting for less than three months are strongly advised to: (a) leave a detailed travel itinerary and contact information with family or friends in Canada; (b) provide family with the emergency number for Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (1 800 267-6788 or 613-944-6788); and (c) keep the phone number of the responsible Canadian government office on hand (see Section 5 below).



The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety. The purpose of this Travel Report is to provide Canadians with up-to-date information to enable them to make well-informed decisions.

The Italian government faces a constant terrorist threat. Expect extensive security measures at most public and crowded places, such as on public transportation and in and around major tourist attractions, including religious buildings. Security checkpoints are sometimes set up and may cause traffic delays. Canadians should exercise caution and maintain a high level of personal security awareness at all times and in all places.

Strikes and demonstrations occur frequently, especiallyin the transportation sector (national airlines, airports, trains and bus lines). There is also a risk of unannounced wildcat strikes. Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings. Strikes may occasionally interfere with services, such as mail, telephone, and public transport.

Most Canadian visitors to Italy do not experience problems. However, episodes of violence may occur, sometimes involving bomb attacks by organized criminal or extremist groups. Turf wars are currently occurring in Naples, which have made innocent victims, including a Canadian. The incidence of street crime is similar to that elsewhere in Europe, particularly in large urban centres. Pickpocketing and purse snatching occur at tourist sites, on public transportation, in Internet cafés, night clubs and bars, and at major airports and railway stations. Avoid carrying handbags. Motorcyclists frequently grab bags and other personal belongings from pedestrians, often resulting in injury. Do not leave personal belongings unattended, especially in vehicles. Your luggage should never be left with strangers. Travellers should use only the services of officially licensed taxis and stay at hotels that offer surveillance at entrances. You should exercise caution, pay attention to your surroundings and avoid showing signs of affluence. Avoid displays of money, jewellery, furs and/or expensive clothing. Ensure personal belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times and avoid carrying large sums of cash. It is recommended that you carry a copy of your passport. In an emergency, call 113 for the police or 112 for the Carabinieri (military police).

Travellers should exercise caution and be alert to scams targeting foreigners at gas stations, on highways, and on trains. Car theft occurs at gas stations and on highways. Thieves often work in pairs or groups. One or more will distract the victim while another steals. Ensure your vehicle remains in sight when stopping at service areas. There are also reports of individuals staging roadside emergencies (e.g., a smoking engine or flat tire) to persuade drivers to pull over. Thieves then remove personal belongings from the distracted driver's car. Rail passengers have been offered drugged food or drink and been robbed or assaulted while sleeping. Ensure your compartment door is securely locked.



The following information on entry and exit requirements has been confirmed with the Italian authorities and, to the best of our knowledge, was valid on June 28, 2007. However, entry and exit requirements are subject to change.

It is the sole prerogative of each country to determine who is allowed to enter. All countries have special requirements for persons intending to reside for extended periods (usually more than 90 days) or who plan to work, study, or engage in non-tourist activities. To obtain information on specific entry requirements, contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the country or countries to be visited. Violations of entry and exit requirements may result in serious penalties.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada’s Office of Protocol provides contact details for the 
Embassy of the Italian Republic and its consulates, where you can obtain further information on entry and exit requirements.

A Canadian passport is required for Canadians intending to visit Italy, and it should be valid for at least three months beyond the date of the expected departure from this country.

Canadians may be asked to prove the reasons and duration of their stay, as well as proofs of sufficient funds, accommodation and/or a return ticket. Travellers should have more than one source of funds (i.e., cash, traveller's cheques, credit card, client card with a four or five-digit PIN code).

Tourist Visa: Not required (for stays less than 90 days)
Business Visa: Required
Work Visa: Required
Student Visa: Required 

Canadians must report to the local "Questura" (Police Commissary) within eight days of their entry into the country and request a "Permesso di Soggiorno" (permit to stay). Depending on the purpose of their stay, Canadians can also ask this permit at one of the "Poste italiane" (Post Office).

Schengen Area

The member states of the European Union (EU) (not including the United Kingdom and Ireland) along with Norway and Iceland make up the Schengen Area, which aims for common rules regarding visas, asylum rights and controls at the external borders.

In the Schengen Area, Canadian travellers do not need visas for short-term visits (up to 90 days), but some countries require you to register with local authorities within three working days of your arrival. It is important to get your passport stamped when entering the Schengen Area. The absence of an entry stamp from the initial Schengen port of entry could create difficulties during subsequent encounters with local police or other authorities. It is important to confirm the up-to-date entry requirements with each embassy and/or high commission of your destination(s) before departure.

Countries that have implemented the Schengen Agreement – border controls abolished and one single external frontier
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, along with Norway and Iceland

Countries that are not yet fully part of the Schengen Agreement – visa requirements were adjusted to comply with the EU’s common visa policy, but controls are still in place at the borders as the EU's external frontiers do not include them yet
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Note: Although Switzerland signed an association agreement to become part of the Schengen Area in 2004, the principles don’t apply yet. Implementation is expected in 2008.

Countries that are not part of the Schengen Area, but might have special arrangements with neighbouring countries
Andorra, Holy See, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and the United Kingdom.

A Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (CCC) is not a travel document. Airlines are known to refuse boarding to dual national Canadian passengers returning to Canada, travelling on a passport that requires a visa to enter Canada, regardless of whether the passenger presents a valid CCC as proof of Canadian citizenship. A Canadian passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel and identification document for the purpose of international travel. It proves your admissibility to enter Canada.

Selling, altering, or allowing another person to use your passport is a criminal offence. It could lead to the laying of charges and imprisonment if convicted. It could also lead to the denial of future passport services.

Special and diplomatic passport holders should verify visa requirements for this and other countries, as they may differ from those that apply to regular passport holders.

A new EU legislation on the amount of cash that can be carried has been implemented on June 15, 2007. Canadians crossing one of the external border control points of the EU will have to make a declaration to customs upon entry or exit if they have at least 10,000 euros, or the equivalent in other currencies, in cash, cheques, money orders, traveller's cheques, or any other convertible assets in their possession. Failure to report such a sum will be considered an offence. This does not apply to Canadians travelling within the EU or in transit to a non-EU country. The purpose of this legislation is to prevent illegal activities, such as money laundering. For more information on the new EU legislation and links to EU countries' sites, consult

Any adult travelling with children may be required to show evidence of parental/custodial and/or access rights. Foreign and Canadian authorities may also require evidence that the adult has the consent of the parents, legal guardian, and/or the court to travel with the children. Some countries may not permit children to enter or, in some cases, leave the country without proper documentation such as a letter of consent or a court order.

Although same-sex marriages are legal in Canada, many countries do not recognize them. Attempting to enter as a same-sex married couple may result in refusal by local officials. For more information, contact the foreign government office accredited to Canada.



You can obtain consular assistance and further consular information at the following addresses:

Italy - ROME, Embassy of Canada
Address: Via Zara 30, Rome 00198
Tel.: 39 (06) 85 444 2911 or 39 (06) 85 444 1
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 39 (06) 85 444 2912

Italy - NAPLES, Consulate of Canada
Address: Via Carducci 29, Naples, 80121
Tel.: 39 (081) 401-338
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 39 (081) 410-4210

Italy - PADOVA, Consulate of Canada
Address: Riviera Ruzzante 25, Padova, 35123
Tel.: 39 (049) 876-4833
Emergency toll-free to Ottawa: 00-800-2326-6831
Fax: 39 (049) 878-1147

For emergency assistance after hours, call the Embassy of Canada in Rome and follow the instructions. You may also call the Department in Ottawa toll-free at 00 800 2326-6831.



You are subject to local laws. A serious violation may lead to a jail sentence. The sentence will be served in local prisons. However, Canada and Italy are signatories to the European Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, which enables a Canadian imprisoned in Italy to request to be transferred to Canada to complete the sentence in a Canadian prison. The transfer requires the agreement of both Canadian and Italian authorities.

Canadians arrested or detained have the right to contact the responsible Canadian government office (embassy, high commission, etc.) listed in Section 5 above. Arresting officials have a responsibility to assist you in doing so. Canadian consular officials can provide a list of local lawyers upon request.

The procedures required in legal proceedings or police investigations may be different from the procedures in force in the Canadian legal system. Canadians wishing to undertake such proceedings can expect to face long delays and additional efforts in order to resolve their case. The Government of Canada cannot intervene in ongoing legal proceedings in other countries, unless requested to do so by local authorities. Such requests are rare.

Persons violating Italian law, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs are strict. Convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and/or heavy fines.

Buying counterfeit merchandise, such as sunglasses, purses, and so on, is illegal. Italian authorities have been handing out fines of up to 10,000 euros to tourists caught buying counterfeit items.

In the cities of Venice and Florence, you should observe public notices about conduct. For example, offence tickets and fines may be assessed against visitors for dropping litter, or for sitting, eating or drinking on steps and courtyards around the main churches and public buildings in Florence.



City streets are often narrow, winding, and congested. Motor scooters and other vehicles are often driven recklessly. Lane markings are frequently non-existent, and traffic lights are limited and often ignored. Numerous accidents are caused by excessive speeding on highways and rural roads throughout the country. Travellers in northern Italy should be aware of ground fog and poor visibility, especially in winter. The use of cellular telephones while driving is prohibited, unless fitted with a hands-free device. The use of headlights on highways and major roads during the day is mandatory. An adhesive sticker indicating country of origin must be displayed on the back of foreign cars. An international car insurance plan is mandatory. Fines for minor traffic violations must be paid immediately. Rail service is widely available. Ferry services are available to Greece, North Africa, and local islands (e.g., Sicily, Sardinia, Capri, Ischia, and Elba).

A special permit (only issued to residents and members of public organisations) is necessary to have access to Rome city centre by car on weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. During summertime, only residents are allowed to take their cars on the islands of Capri, Ischia, and Procida.

The Mont Blanc tunnel, an important Alpine pass linking Italy and France, recently re-opened after a three-year closure, with stringent new safety measures, including speed and vehicle-distance limits.

International Driving Permit (IDP) is recommended.

The currency is the euro (EUR). Credit cards and traveller's cheques in euros or U.S. dollars are widely accepted. Canadian currency and traveller's cheques are not widely accepted worldwide.Check with your bank for information on Automated Banking Machine (ABM) services in other countries. You can also check the VISA ATM locator page or the MasterCard ATM locator page for the addresses of ABMs around the world. Your bank can advise if you need a new personal identification number (PIN) for overseas access to your account. Credit cards and debit cards should be used with caution due to the potential for fraud and other criminal activity. ABMs should be used during business hours inside a bank, supermarket, or large commercial building. Leave copies of your card numbers with a family member in case of emergency.

Canadians should be aware of ATM fraudulent electronic readout devices that are increasingly common in Italy. These devices are designed to capture the account information stored on the card’s magnetic strip through a card reader fixed over the legitimate reader. The customer’s PIN is recorded with a small video camera installed above the keypad. The devices may not keep the victim from performing normal transactions. The victim’s banking information is then sold or traded on-line. In order to prevent this type of fraud, Canadians should use ATMs located in well-lit public areas or inside a bank or business, cover the keypad with one hand when entering their PIN, avoid card readers with an irregular aspect, and look for any unauthorized transactions on their account statements.



Mount Etna, on the island of Sicily, is Europe's most active volcano. Canadians travelling to the area should closely monitor activity levels, be aware of any risks, and follow the advice of local authorities. Active volcanoes with lava flows are also located on the islands of Stromboli and Vulcano in the Aeolian Islands chain north of Sicily.

Central and Southern Italy are located in an active seismic zone. Canadians should know the address and telephone number of the Embassy of Canada in Rome or the nearest consulate (see Section 5 above) in the event of an emergency.



Public Health Agency of Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO) report on disease outbreaks that occur throughout the world. For the latest travel health advisories and related information, visit the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Travel Medicine Program Web site.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) continues to monitor an outbreak of chikungunya fever in the north-east of Italy. For more information on medication recommendations and protective measures, see PHAC’s Web page.

The Public Health Agency of Canada continues to closely monitor and report on occurrences of avian influenza A (H5N1), or "bird flu", in humans and in birds. Further information on avian influenza A (H5N1) and recommendations for travellers can be found on the Public Health Agency of Canada's Travel Medicine Web site as well as on the World Health Organization's Web site. For more information, see our Current Issues on Avian Influenza.

The Public Health Agency of Canada strongly recommends that your travel plans include contacting a travel medicine clinic or physician six to eight weeks before departure. Based on your individual risk assessment, a health care professional can determine your need for immunizations and/or preventive medication and advise you on precautions to avoid disease. Travellers are reminded to ensure that their routine (childhood) immunizations (e.g., tetanus, diphtheria, polio, and measles) are up to date.

Standards of medical care may differ from those in Canada. Treatment may be expensive, and payment in advance may be required. Travellers are advised to arrange for medical insurance prior to departure. Prescription medications should be kept in the original container and packed in carry-on luggage.

The Public Health Agency of Canada also recommends that travellers who become sick or feel unwell on their return to Canada seek a medical assessment with their personal physician. Travellers should inform their physician that they have been travelling or living outside of Canada.



The air in large cities can be heavily polluted. Satisfactory medical facilities are available, but may be limited outside urban areas.



Returning to Canada

Traveller's Checklist

Health and Travel Insurance: Do not rely on your provincial health plan to cover all expenses if you get sick or are injured while abroad. It may cover nothing or only a portion of the costs. Understand the terms of your supplementary insurance policy. Some credit cards offer their holders health and travel insurance. Do not assume the card alone provides adequate coverage. Carry details of your insurance with you. Also, tell your travel agent, a friend or relative, and/or travelling companion how to contact your insurer. Get a detailed invoice from the doctor or hospital before you return to Canada. Always submit original receipts for any medical services or prescriptions received abroad. Most insurance companies will not accept copies or faxes. See Canada's Health Portal.

Cancelling a scheduled trip abroad could cost you money. Before cancelling a scheduled trip, you should discuss the matter with your travel agent, your travel insurer, or the airline. The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller.

Adoption: Provincial and territorial authorities in Canada are responsible for authorizing international adoptions. If you are thinking of adopting a child from another country, you must first obtain information about the adoption regulations of the province or territory in which the child will reside. While adoption is a provincial/territorial responsibility, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is responsible for allowing an adopted child entry into Canada. Entry can be refused if the child does not hold the appropriate immigrant visa. A visa may be denied, even if the adoption has already been completed. For more information contact CIC at 1 888 242-2100 (in Canada only), check the CIC Web site or contact your provincial or territorial government.