Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
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Tips for Travelling with Children

Tips for Travelling with Children
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When travelling with children, you will see the world through their awestruck eyes. Keep in mind that you will be travelling at your children’s pace, not your own. Here are some essential tips for a safe and successful trip:

  • All children require a valid Canadian passport and supporting identification, such as a birth certificate or citizenship card. Check with the nearest embassy or consulate of each destination country regarding additional entry conditions and documentation (if required), including divorce papers, custody court orders or a death certificate (if one parent is deceased).
  • It is strongly recommended that children travelling alone or with one parent carry a consent letter for each and every trip abroad. It is advisable to have the consent letter certified, stamped or sealed by an official who has the authority to administer an oath or solemn declaration so that the validity of the letter will not be questioned. See for a sample consent letter.

  • Keep some form of identification in your child’s pocket in case you are separated. Carry recent photographs of the child for emergency identification purposes.
  • Some airlines will escort and supervise an unaccompanied child from check-in through arrival. Note that airlines require a parent or guardian to stay at the airport until the flight has departed. The person greeting the child at the point of arrival must have appropriate identification and authorization.
  • Infants are required to sit in an approved child safety seat when travelling by air. Carry a bottle or pacifier to make the child more comfortable and to equalize ear pressure.
  • Bring an adequate supply of baby products (keeping in mind new airline carry-on restrictions) as well as vital medications and a doctor’s note detailing their generic names and purposes. Consult with a pediatrician on how best to protect your child’s health while travelling.


Consular Services

Consular Affairs Bureau

Tel.: 1-800-267-6788 (in Canada and the U.S.) or 613-944-6788
TTY: 1-800-394-3472 (in Canada and the U.S.) or 613-944-1310

Tel.: 613-996-8885
(call collect from abroad where available)

The Consular Affairs Bureau publishes, in both official languages, a series of safe travel brochures.

Country Travel Reports provide information on safety and security conditions, health issues and entry requirements for approximately 200 travel destinations. This information is also available by telephone: 1-800-267-6788 (in Canada and the U.S.) or 613-944-6788.

Canadian government offices abroad

Visit our For More Information page.


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