Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

About the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America

In a changing world, citizens and businesses across our continent are increasingly affected by the growing economic strength and the political and social instabilities of other countries and regions. The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) is a commitment by Canada, the United States and Mexico to work together to build a safer and more economically dynamic North America. While respecting the sovereignty and unique heritage, culture and laws of each country, the SPP complements the many initiatives at the root of the longstanding relations among them. It strengthens the ties that have shaped the North American partnership for decades, and outlines an agenda for greater cooperation in areas as diverse as security, transportation, the environment and public health.

The Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister of Foreign AffairsThe Minister of Foreign Affairs has the mandate to manage our North American relationship, of which the SPP is one component. The Minister of Public Safety leads the Security Agenda, while the Minister of Industry leads the Prosperity Agenda. Working Groups under each in turn guide the efforts of the many federal departments and agencies that contribute to delivering on each priority.

Canadians benefit from the partnership through:

  • more secure and efficient transportation of goods, people and services across our borders and throughout our country;
  • increased consumer protection, job availability and measures that help ensure our high standards of health and safety; and
  • its efforts to protect the environment, combat infectious diseases and ensure a safe food and energy supply.

The SPP means a more secure and prosperous Canada and greater well-being for all Canadians.

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