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OTTAWA, May 30, 2002 – In keeping with Canadian Heritage Minister Copps' statement of May 15, 2001 that a feasibility study for a new science and technology museum would be undertaken, Mr. Christopher Terry, President and CEO of the Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation, announced today that the consortium of Lundholm Associates Architect/N.L. Hushion and Associates/Leger Marketing has been chosen to conduct a visioning study for the Canada Science and Technology Museum. The study will identify a vision and parameters for a new science and technology museum.

"The Lundholm consortium, a Canadian firm, was chosen through an international competitive bid process and we are excited about working with a firm that has such extensive experience. The project has three components: visioning, feasibility and functional. The visioning component – by clearly identifying how the museum will effectively relate to its many audiences – will become the cornerstone for the other two. We intend to solicit input from across the country so that we can build a museum which best suits the people of Canada now and into the future," said Christopher Terry.

In commenting on the announcement, Michael Lundholm, President, Lundholm Associates Architects said, "we are delighted that the Canada Science and Technology Museum has an opportunity to begin planning for significant renewal of its programs and facilities. As museum planning consultants dedicated to sound planning methodology we are gratified to see that the Museum has chosen to begin this process by reviewing its vision and mandate. We will be assisting the Museum to discover a new and exciting vision based on thorough consultation with its audiences and stakeholders. We are confident that this will provide a solid foundation for its development as a dynamic Museum that will make a valuable contribution to the National Capital Region and to Canada as a whole."

The Museum which opened in 1967, is currently housed in a former bakery on St. Laurent Boulevard, outside Ottawa's downtown core. As home of Canada's national museum of science and technology, the small building allows for only a portion of the museum's large collection to be shown at any one time. While a popular museum, it is perceived as difficult to access by both local residents and visitors to Canada's capital region.

Terry adds, "Momentum has been building since the Minister announced that a feasibility study would be undertaken to examine the needs and costs for a new facility. We look forward to the results of this study in March 2003 so that we can embark on the next phase in developing a museum of which Canadians from coast to coast to coast can be proud."

Media Contact:

Leeanne Akehurst
Tel: 613-990-6302, Fax: 613-990-3654
E-mail: media@technomuses.ca

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