Young Entrepreneur Awards 2007

Young Entrepreneur Awards 2007

The nomination period has ended June 13, 2007. Good luck to all applicants!

The Young Entrepreneur Awards (YEA) are held annually to highlight Canada's best and brightest young entrepreneurs and to recognize their innovative spirit and business acumen. The 2007 YEA ceremony will take place on October 16 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, during Small Business Week®.

As one of BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award winners, you benefit from nationwide exposure and recognition, resulting in increased awareness for your company in the business community. To find out more about what the YEA can bring to you and your business, check out this video of past winners and hear what they have to say.

There is one winning business per province and territory for a total of 13 awards. In addition, the YEA winners may be eligible for the EDC Export Excellence Award.

The Rogers Business Transition Award is also given during the ceremony. It is targeted at entrepreneurs of all ages who were recently involved in a successful business transition.

To be eligible for YEA, you must be:

  • a Canadian citizen
  • between 19 and 35 on December 31, 2007 (except for the Rogers Business Transition Award candidates)
  • have at least 2 years' experience as an entrepreneur

For more information concerning the Young Entrepreneur Awards, contact us by email at or call 1 877 BDC-BANX  (1 877 232-2269) free of charge.

Hear what Melody Dover and other past winners have to say about YEA.
YEA Winner - video
Low resolution (1.5 m)
High resolution (6.5 m)
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