The National Child Benefit  The National Child Benefit : Progress Report : 2005
Table of Contents Library Français

Table of Contents

Message from Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services

Executive Summary

Chapter 1: What is the National Child Benefit Initiative?

Chapter 2: The National Child Benefit Supplement

Chapter 3: Components of the National Child Benefit Initiative

Chapter 4: First Nations and the National Child Benefit Initiative

Chapter 5: Monitoring Progress - Societal Level Indicators

Chapter 6: Assessing the Direct Impact of the National Child Benefit Initiative

Chapter 7: The Way Ahead

List of Appendices

Appendix 1: Glossary

Appendix 2: Provincial, Territorial and First Nations National Child Benefit Reinvestments and Investments

Appendix 3: Results of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) Analysis

Appendix 4: Additional Statistical Information

February 2007

Catalogue number: HS1-3-2005E
ISBN: 0-662-44509-0


© Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, 2007

Table of Contents Library Français