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On-line reference materials are free. Print publications are for sale at a discount.

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Canada: A Portrait presents an overview or portrait of the social, economic and cultural life of Canada today drawing on Statistics Canada's data base and enhanced through reference to Canadian social and cultural achievement and political milestones over the last century. View sample pages. The publication is for sale at a discount.

Canada at a Glance is a free booklet that contains over 50 tables from Statistics Canada. Download the PDF version, or order free classroom sets. Lesson plan

Canadian Agriculture at a Glance brings to life many aspects of Canada's agriculture sector in short, readable articles. Full-colour maps, photographs, charts and graphs add visual interest. Each lesson in the teacher's kit links to the free PDF article. If you prefer print to free on-line, the publication is for sale at a discount.

Canada Year Book is the premier reference on the social and economic life of Canada, with some 400 page of tables, charts and short analytical articles on 25 major subject areas. The 2006 edition offers a concise new almanac style. Its content is available free online in the Overview of trends from Summary tables in Canadian Statistics. If you prefer print to free on-line, the publication is for sale at a discount. The Canada e-Book is the free on-line version of the 2001 Canada Year Book with texts, tables, charts and audio clips that present the country's economic and social trends. Lesson plans.

Canadian Social Trends presents the latest social, as well as historical, trends that have an impact on Canadians' lives today, including evolving families, income and spending patterns and changing demographics. Each issue contains a Lesson Plan, photocopy-ready suggestions for using a free selected article in the classroom. You may access all the articles by topic for free on-line through E-STAT. If you prefer print to free on-line, the publication is for sale at a discount.

Censuses of Canada, 1665 to 1871 was printed in Ottawa, in 1876. This volume contains about 350 statistical tables on the social and economic conditions in Canada from the earliest settlements to 1871. Lesson plans

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Education Indicators in Canada covers various aspects of the elementary, secondary and postsecondary education, such as enrolment, graduation and human resources, as well as the financing of the education systems in Canada. The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program is a joint venture of Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education of Canada. Quiz

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Farming Facts illustrates the variety of information produced by Statistics Canada for the agricultural community. This edition incorporates some of the results from the 2001 Census of Agriculture and includes first-time information on organic farming and the latest trends in computer use on farms. Crossword puzzle

Finding and Using Statistics provides quick tips on locating information on the Statistics Canada website. This electronic guide has been created especially for users needing a step-by-step review on how to find, read and use data.

Food Statistics contains information on food consumption, food prices and nutrition, as well as data on the food industry, processing, employment, productivity and trade. Canada Food Stats, a related compendium, is available on E-STAT for free, and on CD-ROM for sale at a discount.

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Guide to the Consumer Price Index is a brief non-technical introduction to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It poses and answers some of the more frequently asked questions relating to the construction, interpretation and use of this index. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) and You Teacher's Kit

Guide to the Labour Force Survey contains a dictionary of concepts and definitions and covers topics such as survey methodology, data collection, data processing and data quality. It also contains information on products and services, sub-provincial geography descriptions as well as the survey questionnaire. Lesson plan

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Health Indicators provides a set of indicators which measure the health of the Canadian population and the health care system. Health indicators are designed to provide comparable information at the health region and provincial/territorial level, and are based on standard definitions and methods.

Health Reports has in-depth articles about health issues such as the effects of second-hand smoke, rising incidences of food allergies, and alcohol consumption. Other interesting topics addressed include asthma, contraception, suicide, depression, and obesity. The articles and supporting data tables in Health Reports, free on-line in E-STAT, enable students to compare the health habits of various population groups across Canada. The free Health Reports - Supplement, How Healthy are Canadians? addresses a different theme each year. If you prefer print to free on-line, the publication is for sale at a discount.

Historical statistics of Canada was jointly produced by the Social Science Federation of Canada and Statistics Canada in 1983. This volume contains about 1,088 statistical tables on the social, economic and institutional conditions of Canada from the start of the Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s.

Human Activity and the Environment 2000 and Annual Statistics provide extensive data on population, economic activities, the environment and the links among these key elements. Analysis and interpretation support the statistics and help readers make sense of these complex interactions. The articles and annual updates are available free on-line through E-STAT. Teacher's kit. If you prefer print to free on-line, the publication is for sale at a discount.

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Perspectives on Labour and Income provides insight into the key issues facing the Canadian workplace. Articles cover topics such as youth in the labour market, pensions and retirement, work arrangements, and trends in family income, to name a few. If you prefer print to free on-line, the publication is for sale at a discount.

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The St. Lawrence River Valley 1998 Ice Storm: Maps and Facts: In early 1998, three successive storm fronts dropped as much as 110 millimeters of freezing rain through parts of Eastern Canada. This Statistics Canada publication gathers a series of six annotated maps and tables illustrating some of the impact the meteorological event had as it stormed through the St. Lawrence River Valley: population, employment, retail sales, vegetation cover, dairy cows and sugar maple taps are illustrated and briefly discussed. Lesson plans

Statistics: Power from Data! is a free on-line resource about getting the most from statistics. Written for secondary students of Mathematics and Information Studies, it explains how to collect and use data.

Studies contains free analytical and technical papers by Statistics Canada specialists.

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Teacher's Guide to Data Discovery is designed to support elementary and secondary teachers in helping students develop basic statistical skills. It shows how to find grade-appropriate datasets and use suitable graphs and data analysis tools.

Print publications for sale to educators at a discount of 30% or more!

These publications may already be available at your library. In addition, schools, school boards, colleges, universities and public libraries receive a 30% discount on all Statistics Canada print publications ordered by telephone, fax, e-mail or mail. If you're not sure whether your organization qualifies for a discount, call 1 800 267-6677 or your local regional education representative.

Available discounts:

  • All print publications, books and periodicals - 30%
  • Back issues - 70% (at least one year old for subscriptions, one issue old for annual and occasional publications)
  • Large volume sales - 40% for 51 to 100 copies, negotiable for 101 copies or more

Please note: Discounts do not apply to orders placed online. To order:

MAIL to:
Statistics Canada, Finance, R.H. Coats Bldg. 6H
100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T6 Canada
CALL toll-free: 1 800 267-6677; telecommunications device 1 800 363-7629
FAX toll-free: 1 877 287-4369
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