Government of Canada

What do I need to provide Service Canada with if I suspect someone is using my SIN to work or to obtain credit?

Here’s what you will need to provide to Service Canada if you suspect someone is using your Social Insurance Number (SIN):

To Work

  • a printout of all the employers who issued a T4 slip for your SIN over the past three years. This printout can be obtained from the Canada Revenue Agency at 1 800 959-8281. Check for any employers for whom you have not worked. Service Canada will contact them on your behalf.

  • a clear photograph of yourself for every employer for whom you did not work. Photographs make it easier for a Service Canada official to confirm with the employer(s) that you didn’t work for them.

  • a list of every address where you lived over the last ten years.

To Obtain Credit

Gather proof that someone else was using your SIN, for instance:

  • a copy of the application for credit filled in by someone else who used your SIN on the credit application. This application must show both your name and your SIN.

  • a letter from a creditor confirming that someone else used your name and SIN to apply for credit. This letter must include both your name and SIN and state that your are not responsible for any purchases made fraudulently using your information.

Note: Service Canada cannot correct a credit file. It is up to you to contact your financial institution(s), report any discrepancies and have them resolved.