Canada Revenue Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Help for the CRA web site and electronic services

FAQs about this site and about other topics.

Electronic services
If you need help using NETFILE, TELEFILE, or Represent a client, or accessing My Account, call our e-service Helpdesk for individuals.

If you need help using My Business Account, GST/HST NETFILE, GST/HST TELEFILE, Information Returns Electronic Filing, Represent a client, or Payroll Deductions Online Calculator, call our e-service Helpdesk for businesses.

Document formats
Forms and publications on the CRA Web site are available in one or more formats, including HTML and .pdf. Please see our help files for information on how to use the various formats.

Permission to use Web site contents
You may create a link from your Web site to the CRA site. For use of CRA Web site content, please see the Important notices page.

Related Web sites
Links to other Web sites of potential interest to CRA Web site users.