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Recommended Links

Adaptation and Impacts Research (AIR) Environment Canada

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the work of the Meteorological Service of Canada's Adaptation and Impacts Research Group. Access project information, news and more.

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Climate Change Natural Resources Canada

Developing remote sensing techniques to monitor and model environmental and climate change processes. Information on forestry, hydrology, landcover, marine, mapping, and productivity.

Canada's Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 1990-2000 Environment Canada

On greenhouse gases in Canada; sources, sinks, GHG calculations and removals. Sector focus includes energy, transportation, industrial processes, solvent and other product use, agriculture, land-use change and forestry, and waste.

Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN) Natural Resources Canada

Access information from the network that facilitates the generation of climate change knowledge, identifies information gaps and defines research priorities.

Canadian Forest Service - Climate Change Natural Resources Canada

Research on climate change effects on Canadian forests and their ecosystems as well as Canadian forest contributions to the carbon cycle.

Canadian Information System for the Environment (CISE) - Climate Government of Canada

Use the FindData search tool to access information on climate.

Climate Change Government of Canada

Understand climate change, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on greenhouse gas emissions, sea-level rise and Canada’s increasingly warm summers.

Climate Change - There's a Lot More to Know Environment Canada

Government actions on climate change including the Kyoto Protocol, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and impacts research on weather, ecosystems, health and way of life.

Climate Change and Severe Weather Environment Canada

Describing climate change issues, current Canadian statistics and Canada's national efforts.

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program Natural Resources Canada

Explore a variety of Government of Canada supported research on climate change, including resources such as publications, online posters and fact sheets.

Climate Change in Atlantic Canada Natural Resources Canada

Find out how climate change affects Atlantic Canada, such as how ecosystems in the ocean are impacted or the damage of coastal flooding caused by storm surges.

Climate Change in Nunavut Natural Resources Canada

Learn about climate change in Nunavut and find out how it is affecting the ecosystems and culture of Canada’s North.

Climate Change in Ontario Natural Resources Canada

Find out about climate change in Ontario and how it affects health, water, farms and forests.

Climate Change in Prairie Provinces Natural Resources Canada

Learn about melting glaciers, changing vegetation and extreme weather, some of the results of climate change in the prairie provinces.

Climate Change in Quebec Natural Resources Canada

Discover how people can help prevent climate change in order to reduce its detrimental effects on ecosystems, such as that of the St. Lawrence River region in Québec.

Climate Change in Southwestern British Columbia Natural Resources Canada

Discover how climate change poses a threat to salmon, water levels, air quality and forests in British Columbia.

Climate Change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories Natural Resources Canada

Find out about the implications of climate change in the Territories. Discover what it means to have a greener North.

Drought Watch – Climate Profiles Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Explore maps that display the changing water and climate conditions for wheat growing regions of western Canada and the United States.

EnviroZine - Climate Change Environment Canada

Articles on how climate change is affecting Canada and what you can do to take action.

For Educators - Sila Canadian Museum of Nature

Check out three lesson plans related to climate change: Digging for Diatoms, Increase your Albedo, and Scenarios for the Future. These curriculum-linked activities include downloadable presentations, diagrams, and how-to guides for teachers.

Forest Carbon Accounting Natural Resources Canada

Canada’s forests contain large pools of carbon and we need detailed, scientifically rigorous forest carbon accounting to help scientists fully understand their role in the global carbon cycle.

Greenspeak - Egginton Natural Resources Canada

Glimpse our role in the face of climate change with this video from a scientist at Natural Resources Canada.

Greenspeak - Rochette Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Watch this video for a glimpse into the connection between agriculture and greenhouse gases.

Ice Cores Natural Resources Canada

See how studies of ice cores are helping to decipher past environmental change (text and video).

Information on Greenhouse Gases Sources and Sinks Environment Canada

Find information on greenhouse gases. Access a glossary, data, reports and related links.

National Climate Data and Information Archive Environment Canada

This archive contains over a century and a half of Canada’s weather data including temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, cloud types, soil temperature, evaporation, solar radiation as well as occurrences of thunderstorms and other weather phenomena.

National Environmental Indicator Series - Climate Change Environment Canada

Selected key statistics on climate change. Documents provide information on the topic and statistical trends for Canada and the world.

New Brunswick Sea Level Rise Environment Canada

Access maps, photos and information on the impact of climate change on coastal New Brunswick.

Plant Hardiness Zones in Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Access information on plant hardiness zones through an up-to-date map produced with data on a variety of factors including elevation and the impacts of changing climate.

Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative

Find information on climate change impact research from this collaborative project by the Government of Canada and the Prairie provinces.

Reducing Canada's Vulnerability to Climate Change Natural Resources Canada

Discover research into improved understanding of the vulnerability of Canada's landscape, coastal areas, infrastructure and communities to climate change.

Signals from the Forest - Observations of Climate Change Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Meet people with first-hand experience of climate change and its effect on forests and the larger environment in this video. Available in two versions: 2 minutes and 16 minutes.

Sila Quiz Canadian Museum of Nature

Read the adventure, then take the quiz! These activities cover climate change with topics like rising sea levels, getting clues from glaciers, changes in weather patterns, and more.

Storm Surges Government of Canada

Learn about the impact of storm surges and rising sea-levels, both of which are likely to increase as a result of climate change (text and video).

The Climate is Changing In Our National Parks Parks Canada

Explore how climate change affects Canada’s National Parks, with discussion of temperature, ecosystems and wildlife.

Understanding Atmospheric Change Environment Canada

Examines natural and man-made phenomena that cause changes to the Earth's atmosphere.

Understanding Atmospheric Change - Warmer Canada Environment Canada

Canadian scientists working under the co-ordination of the Canadian Climate Program are investigating the possible environmental, social, and economic effects of climate change in Canada.

Water - Vulnerable to Climate Change Environment Canada

How is water affected by climate change?

Go to the Governement of Canada Web Site

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